View previous page View next page Call Number Search: HF5387.D388 2003
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HG4027.6.E89 1998 Where to go when the bank say no : alternatives for financing your business. Evanson, David R. IN
Book HG4027.7.O88I658 1997 Instructor's solutions manual to accompany small firm finance : an entrepreneurial analysis. Osteryoung, Jerome S. IN
Book HG4027.7.S655 2015 Xero for dummies. Smith, Heather. IN
Book HG4027.65.D76 2007 The budget-building book for nonprofits : a step-by-step guide for managers and boards. Dropkin, Murray. IN
Book HG4028.V3D352 2010 The dark side of valuation : valuing young, distressed and complex businesses. Damodaran, Aswalth IN
Book HG4515.95.B46 2000 Getting started in online day trading. Bentley, Kassandra. IN
Book HG4515.G58 2006 Global perspectives on investment management : learning from the leaders. IN
Book HG4515.S67 1994 The alchemy of finance : reading the mind of the market. Soros, George. IN
Book HG4527.E55 1997 Your top investing moves for retirement. Ellis, Junius. IN
Book HG4529.G39 1990 Intermarket analysis and investing : integrating economic, fundamental, and technical trends. Gayed, Michael. IN
Book HG4529.M86 1991 Intermarket technical analysis : trading strategies for the global stock, bond, commodity, and currency markets. Murphy, John J. IN
Book HG4529.S7 1986 Silent investor, silent loser. Sosnoff, Martin. IN
Book HG4538.D28 1994 The sun that never rose : the inside story of Japan's failed attempt at global financial dominance. Dattel, Eugene R. IN
Book HG4538.G56D87 1997 The new globalism and developing countries. IN
Book HG4538.M71 1999 Passport to profits : why the next investment windfalls will be found abroad--and how to grab your share. Mobius, Mark. IN
Book HG4551.H44 1993 High-return, low-risk investment : using stock selection and market timing. Herzfeld, Thomas J. OUT
Book HG4661.S68 1993 Trader Vic--methods of a Wall Street master. Sperandeo, Victor. IN
Book HG4910.D68 1992 Wall Street made simple. Dowd, Merle E. IN
Book HG4910.E53 1993 Japanophobia : the myth of the invincible Japanese. Emmott, Bill. IN
Book HG4910.L463 2002 The mind of Wall Street. Levy, Leon, 1929- IN
Book HG4910.M67 1993 The wall street journal guide to understanding money & investing : an easy to understand, easy to use primer that helps take the mystery out of money, indexes, treasure bills, stocks, commodities, options, bonds, tracking performances, risk/return, futures, mutual funds, inflation. Morris, Kenneth M. OUT
Book HG4910.M8695 1996 The weight of the yen : how denial imperils America's future and ruins an alliance. Murphy, R. Taggart. IN
Book HG4921.F63 1992 Stock market logic : a sophisticated approach to profits on Wall Street. Fosback, Norman G. IN
Book HG4921.F63 1993 Stock market logic : a sophisticated approach to profits on Wall Street. Fosback, Norman G. IN
Book HG4921.L96 1993 Beating the Street. Lynch, Peter (Peter S.) IN
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