View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC687.S3A56
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HD30.28.F43 1999 Federated States of Micronesia - private sector development. IN
Book Pac.HD31.M36 1995 Management skills workshop : presented to the management staff of the College of Micronesia F.S.M. Kolonia, Pohnpei. IN
Book Pac.HD31.P33 1985 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands phase down plan, April 1, 1985 through October 1, 1985. Pacifc Islands (Trust Territory). High Commissioner. IN
Book Pac.HD58.8.B87I6 2009 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies strategy 2020 : saving lives changing minds. IN
 2 Pac.HD58.8.T78
Book Pac.HD62.G69 1983 Technical standards in the Pacific Islands : a survey for the South Pacific Bureau for economic cooperation. Gowdie, D.R.R. IN
 2 Pac.HD62.5.A43 1972
Book Pac.HD62.5.A47 1971 A Correspondence course for Micronesia. Sherman, Jerome F. IN
 2 Pac.HD62.5.D38 1971
 4 Pac.HD62.7.B75 1990
Book Pac.HD62.7.C76 1986 Indigenous entrepreneurship in Western Samoa. Croulet, C. Ross. IN
 3 Pac.HD69.I7P33
 4 Pac.HD69.P75S86 1978
 2 Pac.HD70.M5P12 1976
Book Pac.HD72.A97 1982 Australian memorandum. Australian Development Assistance Bureau, Development Assistance Committee. IN
Book Pac.HD72.D486 1999 Resource tax policy in countries of the Asia Pacific region. Reece, Barry F. IN
Book Pac.HD72.H85 2010 Human Development Report 2010 : the real wealth of nations ; pathways to human development. United Nations Development Programme. IN
Book Pac.HD72.R14 1975 A glossary of some terms used in development and planning. Ramana, D. V. IN
Book Pac.HD75.H458 2005 Voices of the least developed countries of Asia and the Pacific : achieving the millenium development goals through a global partnership. IN
 2 Pac.HD75.6.M37C38 2005
Book Pac.HD75.8.M5P94 1981 Proposals for a Pacific Islands fund : an evaluation. Cole, Rodney V. IN
Book Pac.HD82.G4 1930 The open door and the mandates system : a study of economic equality before and since the establishment of the mandates system. Gerig, Benjamin. IN
Book Pac.HD82.S3 1986 School of Social and Economic Development : handbook, 1985. IN
Book Pac.HD87.C83 1990 Country presentation. IN
Book Pac.HD87.25.U55 1996 Directory of institutions of small island developing states : volume 3. IN
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