View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC412.R476S437 2001 c.3
  Call Number Title Author Status
 3 Pac.HC683.C68
Serial Pac.HC683.D483 Development news digest. IN
Book Pac.HC683.F38 Patterns of resource use in the Pacific Islands, past and present. Fairbairn, Te'o I. J. IN
Book Pac.HC683.H56 1988 Natural resource data bank for the South Pacific. Hill, L. (Lance) IN
Book Pac.HC683.K64 The Pacific : Russian scientific investigations. IN
Book Pac.HC683.M56 1993 Ministerial meeting on population and sustainable development in the Pacific, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 9-10 Deptember 1993 : Summary record. IN
Book Pac.HC683.N48 The new political economy of Pacific. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.O3P33
 6 Pac.HC683.P3 1980
Book Pac.HC683.P32 1980 Pacific data summary for the Micronesian delegates to the Pacific Islands conference : the Pacific way. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.R45
Book Pac.HC683.R47 Report of the 2nd alliance of small island states (AOSIS) worksop on climate change negotiations, management and strategy. IN
Book Pac.HC683.S45 1974 Selected papers presented at a seminar on the subsistence sector in the South Pacific held at the university of the South Pacific, Suva, 12-23 August 1974. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.S62
 13 Pac.HC683.S641 1986
 6 Pac.HC683.S672 1996-97
 5 Pac.HC683.S673 1985
Book Pac.HC683.T5 1989 Trade and investment in the South Pacific islands : a diagnostic study. Thomson, Peter W. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.T46
 2 Pac.HC683.T65 1991
Book Pac.HC683.W33 1972 Priorities in Melanesian development : papers delivered at the Sixth Waigani Seminar sponsored jointly by the University of Papua and New Guinea [and others], held at Port Moresby 30 April to 5 May, 1972. Waigani Seminar (6th : 1972 : Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea) IN
Book Pac.HC683.W37 Man in the Pacific Islands: essays on geographical change in the Pacific Islands. Ward, R. Gerard IN
Book Pac.HC683.3.A1N64 2009 Niue and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Joint Contry Strategy 2009-2013 : in support of Niue's National Strategy Plan 2009-2013. IN
 2 Pac.HC683.3.Z9E446 1991a
 4 Pac.HC683.5.A1G47 v.I
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