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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book PE1112.B32 1994 Grammar smart : a guide to perfect usage. The Staff of The Princeton Review. IN
Book PE1112.D54 2002 Structure and theme in English grammar : a skills course for language professionals. Dieterich, Thomas. IN
Book PE1112.H6 1986 Harbrace college handbook. Hodges, John Cunyus, 1892-1967. IN
Book PE1112.H38 1982 The portable English handbook : an index to grammar, usage, and the research paper. Herman, William, 1926- IN
Book PE1112.H47 2013 Advanced grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English ; with answers and CD-ROM. Hewings, Martin. IN
Book PE1112.H86 2005 A student's introduction to English grammar. Huddleston, Rodney D. IN
Book PE1112.J58 1992 Communicative grammar practice : activities for intermediate students of English : student's book. Jones, Leo, 1943- IN
Book PE1112.K65 1984 Language and composition : a handbook and rhetoric. Kolln, Martha. IN
Book PE1112.N44 1993 Grammar smart : a guide to perfect usage. The Staff of The Princeton Review. OUT
Book PE1112.N49P455 1994 New ways in teaching grammar. IN
Book PE1112.S42 2001 Writers INC : a student handbook for writing & learning. Sebranek, Patrick. IN
Book PE1112.S773 2014 The Blue book of grammar and punctuation : an easy-to-use guide with clear rules, real-world examples, and reproducible quizzes, eleventh edition. Straus, Jane. IN
Book PE1112 .T48 1993 Analyzing the grammar of English : a brief undergraduate textbook. Teschner, Richard V. IN
Book PE1112.T91 1993 21st century grammar handbook. IN
Book PE1112.W3 1986 Warriner's English grammar and composition. Warriner, John E. IN
Book PE1112.W324 1986 English grammar and composition, second course. Warriner, John E. IN
Book PE1115.D3 1995 A basic reader for college writers. Daniels, David I., 1933- IN
Book PE1116.C57C65 1985 English handbook for Christian schools. Collins, Grace C. IN
Book PE1122.B67 1967 The Borzoi college reader. IN
Book PE1122.D58 1973 From discovery to style : a reader. IN
Book PE1122.E56 1999 Instructor's manual for critical thinking. Epstein, Richard L., 1947- IN
Book PE1122.H34 1983 The Cambridge pre-GED program in reading skills. IN
Book PE1122.H34 1991 Reading skills for college students. Hancock, Ophelia H. IN
Book PE1122.L34 1987 Developing academic reading skills. Latulippe, Laura Donahue. IN
Book PE1122.L56 1992 The Little, Brown reader. IN
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