View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC681.A1S658 1974
  Call Number Title Author Status
 3 Pac.HC681.P333 1994
Book Pac.HC681.P347 1980 Pacific Basin sacve Conference, October 9-10, 1980, Honolulu, Hawaii. IN
 4 Pac.HC681.P348
 4 Pac.HC681.P2888 1999
 3 Pac.HC681.R4 1996 c.3
Book Pac.HC681.R29 O2 1988 Report of the Twenty-eighth South Pacific Conference :South Pacific Commission : Noumea, New Caledonia, 10-12 October 1988. IN
Book Pac.HC 681 .R34 1989 Third Regional Development Planners Meeting, Suva, Fiji, 15-17 November 1989. South Pacific Forum. IN
Book Pac.HC681.R65 1989 The role of the private sector in Pacific Islands development : a summary of preliminary findings and major recommendations. Pacific Islands Development Program. IN
 5 Pac.HC681.R432
 5 Pac.HC681.S3 2009
Book Pac.HC681.S8 1996 Approved work program and budget for 1996. South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission IN
Book Pac.HC681.S59 1991 Report on consultations with Pacific governments : identification of priorities for U.N. regional assistance. Siwatibau, Savenaca. IN
 31 Pac.HC681.S67 1999
 4 Pac.HC681.S68 1989
 10 Pac.HC681.S69
Book Pac.HC681.S86 1990 The Summit of the United States and the Pacific Island Nations, October 27, 1990 : concluding remarks and background papers. Summit of the United States and the Pacific Island Nations (1990 : Honolulu, Hawaii) IN
Book Pac.HC681.S438 2022 Strategic plan 2022-2031 : sustainable Pacific development through science, knowledge and innovation. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, IN
 3 Pac.HC681.S446 1994
 3 Pac.HC681.S678 2000 c.1
 8 Pac.HC681.S788 1998 no. 14
Book Pac.HC681.T46 1981 Assessing the social impact of development projects in the Pacific Islands. Thomas, David R. IN
 2 Pac.HC681.T54 1991
 3 Pac.HC681.U641 1983
Book Pac.HC681.V5 1975 Views on economic development in the Pacific : principal papers ... present[ed] at the Third Santa Cruz Pacific Seminar held under the auspices of the Center for South Pacific Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz on June 9, 10, 11, 1974. IN
Mixed Pac.HC681.W37 1988 Earth's empty quarter? : the Pacific islands in a Pacific century. Ward, R. Gerard. IN
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