View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.379 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 019 Pac. Work plan of the FSM National Diabetes and Noncommunicable Disease Control Council (FSMNDNCDCC): (draft). IN
Mixed VerF.020 Pac. Superstitions. IN
Mixed VerF. 021 Pac. Xeropthalmia vitamin A deficiency, anemia and stunted gowth: a statewide survey in Truk, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Lloyd-Puryear, Michele A. IN
Mixed VerF. 022 Pac. Vitamin A deficiency and anemia among Micronesia children. IN
Mixed VerF. 023 Pac. Seasonality and yield of breadfruit cultivars in the indigenous agroforestry system of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Fownes, James H. IN
Mixed VerF 024 Pac. Breadfruit fermentation in Micronesia. Atchley, Jennifer IN
Mixed VerF.025 Pac. Breadfruit Fermentation Practices in Oceania. Pollock, Nancy J. IN
Mixed VerF.026 Pac. Japanese bastions in the Pacific. Ballendorf, Dirk IN
Mixed VerF.027 Pac. Impact of changing roles of women on infant nutritional levels in Micronesia : primarily in Truk. IN
Mixed VerF.027.01 Pac. Federated States of Micronesia: report on world breastfeeding week, August 1-7, 1998. Englberger, Lois IN
 2 VerF.027.02 Pac.
Mixed VerF.028 Pac. Relationship between blood pressure and modernity among Ponapeans. IN
 3 VerF.029 Pac.
Mixed VerF.030 Pac. Provitamin A carotenoid content of different cultivars of edible pandanus fruit. IN
 2 VerF.031 Pac.
 2 VerF.032 Pac.
 3 VerF 033 Pac.
Mixed VerF.034 Pac. Yam, a Pacific crop for culture, food and healthy lifestyles: insights from Pohnpei, Micronesia. Englberger, Lois IN
Mixed VerF.035 Pac. Taro: an importan pohnpei staple food. Englberger, Lois IN
Mixed VerF.036 Pac. Promotion of vitamin A rich foods in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Englberger, Lois IN
Book VerF.037 Pac. Fruit and vegetable series. IN
Mixed VerF.038 Pac. Micronutrients or supernutrients? iodine, vitamin A & iron: a UNICEF perpective. Englberger, Lois IN
Mixed VerF.039 Pac. Promotion of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles in the Federated States of Micronesia. Lippwe, Kipier IN
Mixed VerF.040 Pac. Nutritional studies on Micronesian foods in the Federated States of Micronesia. IN
Mixed VerF.041 Pac. Preliminary summary of food analyses Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, and Palau : promotion of traditional staple foods for improved nutrition in Micronesia: Draft. Englberger, Lois IN
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