View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac. LB2285.P32P334 2000
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.LB1028.5.A39 1996 A content analysis of the computer applications courses in business studies programs in Micronesia colleges. Agyei-Mensah, Stephen Ofosu IN
Book Pac.LB1028.5.S1 1986 Scope and sequence of skills for sixth grade : an activity book. Sigrah, Hanson. IN
Book Pac.LB1031.5.P7G47 1994. Peer guide : College of Micronesia-FSM; the Peer Guide Program -. Gerards, Laura A. IN
Mixed Pac.LB1031.5 P7S47 2011 3rd MTEC 2011 Conference : Unified solutions for FSM school accreditation. College of Micronesia-FSM IN
Book Pac.LB1033.H56 Communication in the classroom : controlled skits to improvisation. Hines, Mary Elizabeth IN
Book Pac.LB1033.5.C77 2006 Education is translation : a metaphor for change in learning and teaching. Cook-Sather, Alison, 1964- IN
 4 Pac.LB1042.S69 1969
Book Pac.LB1043.2.Z9T9 AV catalog, 1973-74; instructional materials. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Truk District. Dept. of Education. IN
Book Pac.LB1044.4.R44 1970 Report and recommendations. Regional Training Seminar on Educational Broadcasting (1970: Suva, Fiji) IN
Mixed Pac.LB1044.7.S65 1966 Technical survey of the feasibility of educational television in the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Smith, E.P. IN
Serial Pac.LB1044.868P33 1999 Oct. Ewa Beach, Box 2782, Hawaii : Hawaii Internet and Telecom Publishing, Inc. IN
Book Pac.LB1045.T43 1958 Techers manual. IN
 3 Pac.LB1047.G83
Book Pac.LB1047.N56 1996 Advisory council meeting and Pacific jurisdictions RTA 4th quarter reports. IN
Book Pac.LB1050.B29 1974 Basic reading skills level I : a program designed to teach basic decoding skills to children experiencing reading difficulties. IN
Book Pac.LB1050.E75 1976 A model field manual for reading. Erickson, Alice Miles IN
 3 Pac.LB1050.P4 no.15
 2 Pac.LB1050.46.M5P12 1967
Book Pac.LB1051.B22 2006 Knowing and learning : an indigenous Fijian approach. Nabobo-Baba,Unaisi, 1962. IN
Book Pac.LB1053.53.N24 1979 New application Truk reading improvement project: FY 1979-80. IN
Book Pac.LB1065.H39 1995 Attitudes of Guam's students and teachers toward education. Hendricks, Gayle F. IN
Book Pac.LB1124.S38 Breaking through the shyness barrier: a course basic social skills for shy students. Scull, John IN
Book Pac.LB1139.P11P75 2011 The Pacific child: cultivating and preserving the Pacific identity, 27th Pacific Educational Conference, Pohnpei 2011. Pohnpei State Department of Education IN
Book Pac.LB1139.S88P11 1993 The Pacific child. IN
Mixed Pac.LB1139.23.F69 2000 If you think you're naked, you are!. Fox, Mary Jane IN
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