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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0127.86 Pac A study on blood pressure and mineral excretion of students in Micronesia (Ponape Island). Nihira, Susumu IN
Book VerF.0128.86 Pac. Current status of christian churches in Pohnpei, Eastern Caroline Islands. Terada, Takefumi IN
Mixed VerF 0129.93 Pac News clippings and other papers on Martin Jano...from Kitti Municipality (Pohnpei). IN
Mixed VerF 0130.67 Pac Geological notes from the islands : the Oceanic Islands. Hill, Peter IN
Mixed VerF 0131.86 Pac Marine algae from the Atoll of Ant, Pohnpei : Chlorphyceae (preliminary report). Enomoto, Sachito IN
Mixed VerF 0132.46 Pac A brief account of the Saipan mission : from the departure of the German Capuchin Priests in 1914 until the capture of the Island by the American in 1944. Tardio, Jose Ma. IN
Mixed VerF 0133.71 Pac Remarks of Professor Robert R. Robbins of Tufts University, First Legislative Counsel of the Congress of Micronesia, before the House of Representative, Capitol Hill, Saipan, January 18, 1971. Robbins, Robert R. IN
Mixed VerF 0135.70 Pac Canoes in Micronesia. Robinson, David IN
Mixed VerF.0136 Pac. A simple way to distinguish black leaf streak from Sigatoka disease on bananas. Graham, K.M. IN
Mixed VerF 0136.67 Pac Communication weaknesses in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Bellinger, Roger IN
Mixed VerF 0136.86 Pac Geomagnetic survey during the cruise to and from Micronesia. IN
Mixed VerF 0139.86 Pac Oceanographic sections observed in CTD measurements in the region of the Caroline Islands, in November 1985. IN
Mixed VerF 0140.92 Pac On the distribution and fishery potential of the Japanese Red Crab Chaceon granulatus in the Palauan Archipelago, Western Caroline Islands. Hastie, L.C. IN
Mixed VerF 0141.92 Pac Remote camera and trapping survey of the deep-water shrimps Heterocarpus Laevigatus and H. Ensifer and the Geryonid Crab Chaceon granulatus in Palau. Saunders, W.B. IN
Mixed VerF 0142.86 Pac A study on the health conception of Micronesia students. Hitano, Hiromichi IN
Mixed VerF 0144.86 Pac Preliminary report on petrography of basaltic rocks from Pohnpei island and the Truk islands, Soutwest Pacific Ocean. Yamamoto, Masahiko IN
Mixed VerF. 0145.86 Pac Crop production on Pohnpei and Truk Ilands. Hayashi, Mitsuru IN
 2 VerF 0146.86 Pac
Mixed VerF 0147.86 Pac Physical and chemical properties of soils on Ponape and Truk islands, Federated States of Micronesia. Matsukawa, Susumu IN
Mixed VerF 0148.86 Pac Recent foraminifera from Ponape Island and the Truk Islands (Preliminary report. Hatta, Akio IN
Mixed VerF 0149.86 Pac Effects on muscle of venom from Jellyfish captures around the Truk Islands. IN
 2 VerF 0152.86 Pac
Mixed VerF 0153.86 Pac Fishing survey in Truk Lagoon. Yonemori, Tooru IN
 2 VerF 0154.86 Pac
 2 VerF 0155.85 Pac
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