View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF.379 Pac.
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book VerF 0200.67 Pac. Districting a new legislature in Micronesia. Meller, Norman. IN
 2 VerF 0200.75 Pac
Book VerF 0200.80 Pac. On matters constitutional in Micronesia. Meller, Norman. IN
Mixed VerF 0201.65 Pac. Photographs : Truk islander Ship. IN
Mixed VerF 0202 Pac. Refalopei, Kalisto: papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0203 Pac. Setik, Raymond : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0204 Pac. Gouland, Sasauo: papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0205 Pac. Paul, Olter : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0205.75 Pac Paul, Olter : Scholarships, fellowships, etc. IN
Mixed VerF 0206 Pac Sigrah, Joab : Scholarships, fellowships, etc. IN
Mixed VerF 0207 Pac Willander, Hans : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0208,52 Pac. Anthroplogy-geography study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Mason, Leonard IN
Mixed VerF 0208.66 Pac. Micronesia. IN
Mixed VerF 0208.89 Pac. A Marshallese nation emerges from the political fragmentation of American Micronesian. Mason, Leonard IN
Mixed VerF 0209 Pac Dois, Endy : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0210 Pac Iriarte, Heinrich : papers and news articles. IN
 2 VerF.0213 Pac.
 3 VerF.0214 Pac.
Mixed VerF 0214.89 Pac Remarks of Deputy Secretary Asterio Takesy to Virgin Islands Conference, August 25-28, 1989. Takesy, Asterio. IN
 2 VerF.0215 Pac.
Mixed VerF.0216 Pac. Project proposal for the Pohnpei artisanal fisheries support station project in the Federated States of Micronesia. IN
Mixed VerF 0219 Pac. Edwards, Edgar, W.: papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0220 Pac. O'sonis, Machime : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0221 Pac. Hadley, Sungiwo : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0222 Pac. Affin, Lambert : papers and news articles. IN
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