View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HA4010.5.A6S1 2004 c.3
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac. GN670 .M3 1996 Myths and legends of the South seas. Mackenzie, Donald Alexander, 1873-1936. IN
 3 Pac.GN670.N22 1983
Book Pac.GN670.P59 1992 These roots remain : food habits in islands of the central and eastern Pacific since western contact. Pollock, Nancy J. IN
Book Pac.GN670.S3H3 1971 Samoan house building, cooking, and tattooing. Handy, Edward Smith Craighill. IN
Book Pac.GN670.V35 2007 Vaka moana : voyages of the ancestors : the discovery and settlement of the Pacific. IN
Book Pac GN 670 W53 1975 Essays in Polynesian ethnology. Williamson, Robert Wood, 1856-1932. IN
 2 Pac.GN671.A4M44 1969
 72 Pac.GN671.C3P65
 6 Pac.GN671.C6C66 2003
 2 Pac.GN671.C58P48 2018
Book Pac.GN671.F4S88 1994 Suva declaration on sustainable human development in the Pacific : putting people first. IN
 15 Pac.GN671.F5C58 1977
 2 Pac.GN671.H3L38 2004
 4 Pac.GN671.K3E4
 2 Pac.GN671.K5G75 1989
 3 Pac.GN671.K8L4
Book Pac.GN671.K57B74 1996 Lives on the line : women and ecology on a Pacific atoll. Brewis, Alexandra. IN
Book Pac.GN671.L3T5 Archaeology of the Marianas islands. Thompson, Laura, 1905- IN
Book Pac.GN671.L4P87 1971 Life in Lesu; the study of a Melanesian society in New Ireland. [With Further reflections on Lesu and Malinowski's Diary.]. Powdermaker, Hortense, 1903-1970. IN
 3 Pac.GN671.M3D46 1980
 7 Pac.GN671.M5Y65
 4 Pac.GN671.M27A54 1978
Book Pac.GN671.M28F49 2007 Phase two survey and inventory of submerged cultural resources in portions of Maloelap Lagoon, Republic of the Marshall Islands : July 6-13, 2003. IN
 4 Pac.GN671.M32H35
 25 Pac.GN671.M33C37 1997
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