View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.JQ6240.T73S55 1983
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.JX1930.So87 1947
 2 Pac.JX1937.O28 no. 5
Book Pac.JX1954.S5 1993 Seminar on how to manage IMO documentation and optimising resources and expertise for mutual gain : (Nadi, Fiji Islands, 02-06 April 2003). Seminar on How to Manage IMO Documentation and Optimising Resources and Expertise for Mutual Gain (2003 : Nadi, Fiji Islands) IN
Book Pac.JX1954.S43 1979 The Pacific era : issues for the 1980s and beyond. International Conference on World Peace (8th : 1978 July 23-25 : Tokyo, Japan) IN
Book Pac.JX1974.7.D63 1982 Documents, August 1-8, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki : 1982 World Conference Against A & H Bombs. IN
Book Pac.JX1974.7.P33 1987 Pacific paradise nuclear nightmare. Women Working for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific. IN
 6 Pac.JX1974.74.O25 C3 1980
Book Pac.JX1974.74.O27N8 Nuclear free and independent Pacific : bulletin produced by Women working for a Nuclear free and independent Pacific. IN
Book Pac.JX1974.74.P33A66 1994 Putting the earth first : alternatives to nuclear security in Pacific Island states. Alexander, Ronni. IN
 5 Pac.JX1977.A1U564 1980
 26 Pac.JX1977.A2 1977
 4 Pac.JX1977.A37B3
 5 Pac.JX1977.A3155R47 1985
Book Pac.JX1977.T78U1 1979 Fourteenth special session, 12 and 15 February 1979. United Nations. IN
 6 Pac.JX1977.2.M625M53 1997
Book Pac.JX1977.8.O35.U543 1994 United Nations telephone directory : Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Pacific regional programmes. United Nations Development Programme. IN
Book Pac.JX1979.N38 Cooperation and conflict : costs, benefits and national interests in Pacific regional cooperation. Neemia, Uentabo Fakaofo. IN
Book Pac.JX1979.O34 1991 Microstates and nuclear issues : regional cooperation in the Pacific. Ogashiwa, Yoko S. IN
 4 Pac.JX3091.A9
Book Pac. JX4021.J34 United Nations efforts to set standards for national independence. Jandali, Abdulfattah IN
Book Pac. JX 4021 .K57 1986 Termination of the U.S. trusteeship in Micronesia. Kiste, Robert C., 1936- IN
 3 Pac.JX4021.M3
Book Pac.JX4021.M337 Trusteeship in the Pacific. McDonald, A. H. (Alexander Hugh) IN
Book Pac.JX4021.T6 1976 The trusteeship system of the United Nations. Toussaint, Charmian Edwards. IN
 3 Pac.JX4084.P27M23
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