View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac. LB2285.P32P334 2000
  Call Number Title Author Status
 24 Pac. LB2285.P32P34 1999b
 10 Pac.LB2285.P33P11 2008
 2 Pac.LB2328.G73 1987
 3 Pac. LB2328.M5S34 1998
Book Pac.LB2328.M56 1980 Minority institutions science improvement project at the Community College of Micronesia Ponape : final report and project evaluation. IN
Book Pac.LB2328.R43 1992 Recommendations on methods to motivate minority high school students to pursue professions in health & human services. IN
 2 Pac.LB2328.U76 1981
Book Pac.LB2328.U78 1982 Federal programs and postsecondary education in the U.S. territories : detailed substantive outline of the final report. Urban Systems Research & Engineering, Inc. IN
Book Pac.LB2328.W45 1970 An analysis of considerations essential to the planning of a Community College : a research study presented to department of educational administration college of education University of Hawaii in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of education. Weital, Daro IN
Book Pac.LB2328.15.M5D53 2003 Political leadership perceptions on the College of Micronesia system in the Federated States of Micronesia. Rechebei, Elizabeth D. (Elizabeth Diaz) IN
Book Pac.LB2328.42.P3B45 2005 Decolonising the mind : the impact of the university on culture and identity in Papua New Guinea, 1971-74. Beier, Ulli, 1922- IN
 2 Pac.LB2331.E8F31 2014
 3 Pac.LB2331.5.P76 c.3
Book Pac.LB2331.6.A2 1982 ACCJC meeting January 18-20, 1982 : agenda public session. IN
Book Pac.LB2331.6.A22 2012 Purposeful dialogue at COM-FSM : an analysis of the COM-FSM communications plan and ACCJC recommendation one with recommendations. Adams, David J. IN
Book Pac.LB2331.7.M66 1998 The monograph of CNMI educational leadership research : implications for capacity building to address issues of disability in the Pacific. IN
 35 Pac.LB2337.3S79
Book Pac.LB2338.T75 1963 Scholarship manual. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. IN
 3 Pac. LB2340.4.M625M5
Book Pac.LB2341.I58 An assessment of methodology and data quality in reporting vocational education data mandated by Public Law 94-482: a state specific report for Trust Territories. InterAmerica Research Associations, Inc. IN
 2 Pac.LB2341.M66M58 2012
 6 Pac.LB2342.A1M53 2019
Mixed Pac.LB2342.A87 1981 An assessment of the impact of President Raegan's budget reform plan on programs in education supported through federal grant funds. IN
 3 Pac.LB2342.F45C65 1997
Book Pac.LB2342.2.M5P11 1976 First annual report on the activities of the student assistance office academic year 1975-1976. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education. IN
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