View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.LA1052.E38
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.KFH142.Z9L37 1997 Who gets it when you go? : wills, probate, and inheritance taxes for the Hawaii resident. Larsen, David C., 1944- IN
Book Pac.KFH332.8.C6U6 1997 1995-1999 agreement between the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly and the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii. University of Hawaii Professional Assembly; University of Hawaii (System). Board of Regents. IN
Book Pac.KFH390.Z9U5 1983 Policy vs. results : affirmative action in the Hawaii Department of Education : a statement. United States Commission on Civil Rights. Hawaii Advisory Committee. IN
 2 Pac.KFH446.A53R62 1978
Book Pac.KFH446.M55 2004 Water and the law in Hawaii. Miike, Lawrence H. IN
Book Pac.KFH454.K38 2008 Hawaiian blood : colonialism and the politics of sovereignty and indigeneity. Kauanui, J. Kehaulani, 1968- IN
Book Pac.KFH470.B63 2005 Taxes of Hawaii 2005 : a comprehensive guide for taxpayers and tax professionals : for the tax year 2005. Utterdyke, Aileen B. IN
Book Pac.KFH512.D63 1985 The Richardson years, 1966-1982. Dodd, Carol S. (Carol Santoki) IN
 2 Pac.KFV2908.S8M58 2012
Mixed Pac.KFX1511.C58A38 1992 Allukun mwichen loilam : Namoluk muniipality. Asugar, H.c. IN
 2 Pac.KFX1511.P7 1962
 3 Pac.KH400.G34 1973 v.1
Serial Pac.KH400.K8 Laws. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Kosrae District. IN
Book Pac.KH400.M3 Marshall Islands code, December 31, 1975. Marshall Islands. IN
 7 Pac.KH400.M34 1968
 9 Pac.KH400.P3 1973
 26 Pac.KH400.P7 1963
 67 Pac.KH400.P24.8 1978b
 14 Pac.KH400.P26 1970 v. 1 c.2
 5 Pac.KH400.P77 1971
 3 Pac.KH400.P284
 10 Pac.KH400.P299M5
 3 Pac. KH400.P4413 1973
 5 Pac.KH400.S25 1973 v.1
Book Pac.KH400.S28 1931 Codification of the regulations and orders for the government of American Samoa. Customs, immigration and harbor regulations, American Samoa. Printed for the use of the American Samoan Commission, 1931. American Samoa. IN
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