View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Gov.I29.86/4: B 31/2 2014
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Gov.I49.77/F:SI1/DRAFT Draft recovery plan for sidalcea oregana var. calva (Wenatchee Mountains checker-mallow). OUT
Book Gov. IA 1.2:W 84 A World view of women : social, policitical, and econoic attitudes : a special report. OUT
Computer Gov.IA1.32:998/CD Infobase MOA, manual of opeations and adminstration. OUT
Serial Gov.INPROCESS Signs of diabetes = Kilel en soumwahu en suke kan. Pohnpei Lipaiere OUT
 12 Gov.ITC1.10
Book Gov.J1.109/2:D63/2006 A guide to disability rights laws. IN
Book Gov.J1.14/2:C86/16 Critical incidents in policing. IN
Book Gov. J 1.14/2:D 34/2 Managing death investigation. Westeever, Arthur E. IN
Book Gov.J1.14/2:EN1 Violent encounters : a study of felonious assaults on our nation's law enforcement officers. Pinizzotto, Anthony J. IN
 13 Gov.J1.14/2:F31/6/2014
 7 Gov.J 1.14/2:N 21 A/2000
Book Gov.J 1.14/2: P 58 Pictures, puzzles & problems : an activity book for all ages. IN
Book Gov.J1.14/2:SA1 Ensuring public safety and national security under the rule of law : a report to the American people on the work of the FBI, 1993-1998. United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. IN
Book Gov.J 1.14/2:T 27/V.1- Terrorism Research and Analysis Project : (TRAP) : a collection of research ideas, thoughts, and perspectives. IN
Book Gov.J1.14/2:V 81/2 Domestic Violence By Police Officers, Etc., 2000. IN
 2 Gov.J1.14/2:W89/2
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:982 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:983 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:985 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:986 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:987 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:988 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:989 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:990 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
Serial Gov.J1.14/7:991 Uniform crime reports for the United States. IN
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