View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.GN380.P23 1998
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.GN670.B442 Revision of the Hawaiian species of Peperomia. Yuncker, T. G. (Truman George), 1891-1964. IN
Book Pac.GN670.B528 1953 Ethnobotany of the Gilbert Islands. Luomala, Katherine IN
Book Pac GN 670 B442 no.196 Cyclophoridae and pupinidae of Caroline, Fijian and Samoan Islands. Clench, William J. IN
Book Pac.GN670.C6B452 Arts and crafts of the Cook Islands. Buck, Peter Henry, Sir, 1880-1951. IN
Book Pac. GN670.D48 1989 Developments in Polynesian ethnology. IN
Book Pac.GN670.F5T5 Southern Lau, Fiji : an ethnography. Thompson, Laura, 1905- IN
Book Pac.GN670.F59 1981 Le Pacific aux iles innombrables : ile de Paques dans la salle Mercator. Forment, Francina A. M. IN
Book Pac GN 670 F5 T5 Fijian material culture : a study of cultural context, function, and change. Tippett, Alan Richard. IN
Book Pac GN 670 F64 Selections from Fornander collection of Hawaiian antiquities and folk-lore. IN
Book Pac.GN670.H34 Polynesian religion. Handy, Edward Smith Craighill, 1892- IN
 3 Pac.GN670.H43 1985
 2 Pac.GN670.H69 2003
Book Pac GN 670 H68 Polynesia; readings on a culture area. Howard, Alan, 1934- comp. IN
Book Pac.GN670.K94 2005 Tattoo : an anthropology. Kuwahara, Makiko. IN
 2 Pac.GN670.K97 1987
 3 Pac.GN670.L5 1926
Book Pac.GN670.L8 1947 Specialized studies in Polynesian anthropology. IN
Book Pac.GN670.L43 1996 Leadership and change in the Western Pacific : essays presented to Sir Raymond Firth on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday. IN
Book Pac.GN670.L44 Polynesien; 32 Tafeln. Museum für V”lkerkunde zu Leipzig. IN
Book Pac. GN670 .M3 1996 Myths and legends of the South seas. Mackenzie, Donald Alexander, 1873-1936. IN
 3 Pac.GN670.N22 1983
Book Pac.GN670.P59 1992 These roots remain : food habits in islands of the central and eastern Pacific since western contact. Pollock, Nancy J. IN
Book Pac.GN670.S3H3 1971 Samoan house building, cooking, and tattooing. Handy, Edward Smith Craighill. IN
Book Pac.GN670.V35 2007 Vaka moana : voyages of the ancestors : the discovery and settlement of the Pacific. IN
Book Pac GN 670 W53 1975 Essays in Polynesian ethnology. Williamson, Robert Wood, 1856-1932. IN
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