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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.SH328.F57 2002 Fisheries management. IN
Book Pac.SH328.F66 1975 Fishery development for the future. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. IN
Book Pac.SH328.F68 The Forum Fisheries Agency : achievements, challenges and prospects. IN
Book Pac.SH328.I5 no.19 Aquaculture systems modeling : an introduction with emphasis on warmwater aquaculture. Cuenco, Michael L. IN
Book Pac.SH328.I52 1990 Bibliographic impact of ICLARM. IN
Serial Pac.SH328.I54 1992 ICLARM annual report. IN
Book Pac.SH328.L66 2015 The tragedy of the commodity : oceans, fisheries, and aquaculture. Longo, Stefano. IN
Book Pac.SH328.M56 2019 Solomon Islands National Fisheries Policy 2019-2029 : a policy for the conservation, management, development and sustainable use of the fisheries and acquatic resources of Solomon Islands. Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources. IN
Book Pac.SH328.M66 1985 Coastal state requirements for foreign fishing. Moore, Gerald K. IN
Book Pac.SH328.N38 2001 A guide to the common edible and medicinal sea plants of the Pacific Islands. Novaczek, Irene. IN
Book Pac.SH328.P33 2011 Pacific Islands fishery news. IN
Book Pac.SH328.S63 2005 SPC/FAO Training Workshop in Fisheries Management and Statistics, Nadi, Fiji Islands, 15-19 November 2004 : report. SPC/FAO Training Workshop in Fisheries Management and Statistics (2002 : Nadi, Fiji). IN
Book Pac.SH328.W39 2006 Proceedings of the International Tuna Fishers Conference on Responsible Fisheries & Third International Fishers Forum : July 25-29, 2005, Inter-Continental Grand, Yokohama, Japan. International Tuna Fishers Conference on Responsible Fisheries & Third International Fishers Forum (July 25-29, 2005 : Yokohama, Japan.) IN
 4 Pac.SH329.F44 1995
Book Pac.SH329.O94H55 2012 Overifshing : what everyone needs to know. Hilborn, Ray 1947- IN
 3 Pac.SH331.F2 no.289 suppl.2
Book Pac.SH331.H67 1990 Flying fish : the art of fishing and processing. Horrocks, J.A. IN
Book Pac.SH331.M58P69 1986 Proceedings Federated States of Micronesia : Aquaculture Planning Workshop, April 7 to 10, 1986 /. IN
Book Pac.SH331.O26 2023 Legal guide to enabling & strengthening coastal fisheries co-management in the Pacific. O'Connor, Sofia IN
Book Pac.SH331.5.F57 1989 Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Sparre, Per. IN
 2 Pac.SH332.2.03.F57 1993
Book Pac.SH332.2.M5M32 1973 A study of the training potential in Hawaii to provide fishing and processing methods training to citizens and fishery development officers of the central and western Pacific. McCoy, Mike A. IN
 19 Pac.SH332.2.O3 P57
Book Pac. SH332.2 .P36 W38 1999 Capture section report of assistance to the National Fisheries College, Kavieng, New Ireland province, Papua, New Guinea : 15 June 1998-29 January 1999. Watt, Peter G. IN
Book Pac.SH333.G8 1969 Manual of methods for fish stock assessment: Part 1, fish population analysis. Gulland, J. A. IN
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