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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book LC151.B58 2002 Literacy and learning : a reference handbook. Blake, Brett Elizabeth. IN
Book LC151.G73 1994 Illiteracy. Grady, Sean M., 1965- IN
Book LC151.M84 2004 Multicultural and multilingual literacy and language : contexts and practices. IN
Book LC151.R84 1990 Coping with an illiterate parent. Rue, Nancy N. IN
Book LC151.W43 2000 What counts as literacy : challenging the school standard. IN
Book LC1590.3.C69 2000 Thinking skills and early childhood education. Costello, Patrick J.M IN
Book LC161.P76 1996 Promoting reading in developing countries. IN
Book LC189.8.H52 2008 Higher education in the world 3: higher education: new challenges and emerging roles for human and social development. IN
Book LC189.D34 2001 Vygotsky and pedagogy. Daniels, Harry. IN
Book LC191.4.L48 1992 Society and education. Levine, Daniel U., 1935- IN
Book LC191.4.M52 1997 Power struggles: successful techniques for educators. Mendler, Allen N. IN
Book LC191.4.R33 1993 Race, identity, and representation in education. IN
Book LC191.4.Z56 2002 Whose America?: culture war in the public schools. Zimmerman, Jonathan, 1961- IN
Book LC191.94.R63 2007 Deeper learning in leadership : helping college students find the potential within. Roberts, Dennis C., IN
Book LC191.E427 2000 Educational issues in the learning age. IN
Book LC196.5.U6P67 2001 Portraits of teachers in multicultural settings : a critical literacy approach. IN
Book LC196.K36 1999 Critical pedagogy : an introduction. Kanpol, Barry. IN
Book LC196.K368 1997 Issues and trends in critical pedagogy. Kanpol, Barry. IN
Book LC196.R44 2006 Reinventing critical pedagogy. IN
Book LC197.I58 1998 Intersections : feminisms/early childhoods. IN
Book LC197.M55 1998 Minding women : reshaping the educational realm. IN
Book LC201.5.S3 2002 The skin that we speak : thoughts on language and culture in the classroom. IN
Book LC213.2.W44 1992 Crossing the tracks : how untracking can save America's schools. Wheelock, Anne. IN
Book LC213.E365 2002 Educating all learners : refocusing on the comprehensive support model. IN
Book LC220.5 .A53 2007 An American mosaic : service learning stories. IN
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