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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book RC643.L57 2009 Leukemia. IN
Book RC655.C476 2011 The complete idiot's guide to thyroid disease. Christianson, Alan, Dr. IN
Book RC657.D46 2011 Endemic cretinism. Dennison, John, 1948- IN
Book RC657.H68 2013 Hypothyroidism, health & happiness : the riddle of illness revealed. Hotze, Steven F. IN
Book RC660.4.B25 2007 Dr. Neal Barnard's program for reversing diabetes : the scientifically proven system for reversing diabetes without drugs. Barnard, Neal D., 1953- IN
Book RC660.4.B45 2007 Dr. Bernstein's diabetes solution : the complete guide to achieving normal blood sugars. Bernstein, Richard K. IN
Book RC660.4.D56 1999 Diabetes sourcebook : basic consumer health information about type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent or juvenile-onset diabetes), Type 2 diabetes (noninsulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes), gestational diabetes, and related disorders... IN
Book RC660.4.G81 2007 Diabetes lifestyle book : facing your fears and making changes for a long and healthy life. Gregg, Jennifer. IN
Book RC660.4.G736 2009 50 diabetes myths that can ruin your life : and the 50 diabetes truths that can save it. Greenberg, Riva. IN
Book RC660.4.Z35 2007 Take charge of your diabetes : a revolutionary plan for treating your diabetes and preventing its complications. IN
Book RC660.5.F47 1996 Diabetes. Ferber, Elizabeth, 1967- OUT
Book RC660.5.P37 2008 Living with diabetes. Parker, Katrina. OUT
Book RC660.D4446 1995 Diabetes : clinical science in practice. IN
Book RC660.U43 2007 Diabetes management in primary care. Unger, Jeff, M.D. IN
Book RC662.18.S2 2001 Diabetes type 2 : complete food management program. Shafer, Sherri. IN
Book RC662.G725 2004 Diabetes snacks, treats, & easy eats : 130 recipes you'll make again and again. Grunes, Barbara. IN
Book RC669.M36 1994 Hearts & arteries : what scientists are learning about age and the cardiovascular system. McNeil, Caroline IN
Book RC672.C625 2002 The cardiovascular cure : how to strengthen your self-defense against heart attack and stroke. Cooke, John P. IN
Book RC684.E9 A37 2014 ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. IN
Book RC685.C6K86 1989 Beyond cholesterol : the Johns Hopkins complete guide for avoiding heart disease. Kwiterovich, Peter. OUT
Book RC685.C6L48 2006 Stop America's #1 killer! : reversible vitamin deficiency found to be origin of all coronary heart disease. Levy, Thomas E. IN
Book RC685.H8K35 2010 Kaplan’s clinical hypertension. Kaplan, Norman M., 1931- IN
Book RC69.P78S37 1992 Current medical diagnosis & treatment. OUT
Book RC76.J37 2004 Student laboratory manual for Physical examination & health assessment, fourth edition. Jarvis, Carolyn. IN
Book RC801.H33 2010 Harrison’s gastroenterology and hepatology. IN
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