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  Call Number Title Author Status
 3 Pac.TL725.3.R5U58 1976
Book Pac.TL725.3.R8P66 1978 Ponape airfield lighting and Sokehs obstruction light at Ponape District, Eastern Caroline Islands. Ponape District, Eastern Caroline Islands. IN
Book Pac.TL726.15G8 Skyway to Asia. Grooch, William Stephen, 1889-1939. IN
 2 Pac.TL726.15.U45 1971
 3 Pac.TL726.5.P16T78 1971
 2 Pac.TL726.7.M625M46 1983
Book Pac.TL726.9.C58D49 Marine biological survey of proposed construction sites for the Truk runway. Devaney, Dennis IN
Book Pac.TL726.9.F56 Final report : Babeldaob-Koror airport mitigation project. IN
Book Pac.TL726.9.H6 United States national defense and trans-Pacific commercial air routes 1933-1941. Holbrook, Francis Xavier, 1927- IN
 8 Pac.TL726.9.K8K87 1974
Book Pac.TL726.9.K67P34 1970 Airport feasibility study : Kusaie Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). IN
 17 Pac.TL726.9.M5A37
 3 Pac.TL726.9.M52T73
Book Pac.TL726.9.M625B75 1975 Briefing papers presented to Congress of Micronesia, District Administration. IN
Book Pac.TL726.9.O3I6 1986 Civil aviation needs assessment survey, South Pacific states. International Civil Aviation Organization. IN
 3 Pac.TL726.9.P3P36 1972
 5 Pac.TL726.9.P7P75 2006 vol. 2
Book Pac.TL726.9.P33T73 1977 Site investigation: Ponape international airport volume 1. Trans-Asia Engineering Associates. IN
Book Pac.TL726.9.P76 1970 Proposal for an aviation system plan for the Trust Territory of Micronesia. IN
Book Pac.TL726.9.T71A1 1972 Airport master planning grant application dated May 15, 1972, for the Truk District, Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. IN
 6 Pac.TL726.9.T77A54
 3 Pac.TL726.9.U53 1979
Book Pac.TL726.9.U54 1978 Final environmental impact statement: proposed Babelthuap-Koror airport. United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. IN
Book Pac.TL726.9.U544 Report of a transportation survey on the means of establishing sea and air transportation in the Trust Territory [of the Pacific Islands] under civilian administration for the Department of the Interior and the Department of the Navy. United States. Dept. of the Interior. IN
 2 Pac.TL726.9.W34
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