View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TE228.M5 2006
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.T6.F68 1977 Report on intermediate technology for the Pacific Islands : the discussions and findings of a group of Islander-leaders in a 3 day in-depth conference with pioneer Pacific-experienced technologists, Rukuruku, Ovalau, Fiji, April 6-9, 1976. Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific. IN
Book Pac.T27.U55 1976 Guidelines for development of industrial technology in Asia and the Pacific. United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. IN
Book Pac.T30 .U56 South Pacific sub-regional UNCSTD paper. United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development. IN
 3 Pac.T45.5.T413
Book Pac.T49.5P3B6 Policy guidelines on rural electrification substantive report. Bowman, Kaye IN
 2 Pac.T49.5.S68 1984
Book Pac.T55.3.H3G37 1978 Hazardous waste management : problem assessment and strategy formulation. Garretson, Elmendorf, Zinov, and Reibin. IN
Book Pac.T58.5.P34 2010 Pacific regional information and communication technology (ICT) Ministers' meeting : Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 18 June 2010. Pacific regional information and communication technology (ICT) Ministers' meeting (Nuku'alofa, Tonga IN
Book Pac.T58.5.R44 1997 Fourth Regional Information Technology Strategies Meeting, Apia, Samoa, 22-24 April 1997 : IT-PACnet report '97. Regional Information Technology Strategies Meeting (4th: 1997: Apia, Samoa). IN
 4 Pac.T58.64.I54 1999
 3 Pac.T78.5.T22 2002
Serial Pac. T171 .L442 1992/93 Leeward Community College general catalog. IN
Book Pac.T174.3.A44 1984 Appropriate energy technology transfer conference, January 18-25, 1984 at Pago Pago, American Samoa. American Samoa Government. Territorial Energy Office. IN
Book Pac.T385.S83 1989 Sub-regional training course CENTS5 : microcomputer applications for census tabulations. IN
 2 Pac.TA6.A2P3
Book Pac.TA36.H36 1996 Designing your rainwater catchment and storage system. Heitz, Leroy F. IN
Book Pac.TA180.T43 Technical specifications for Community College of Micronesia. IN
Book Pac.TA189.P74 1983 Presentation to A/E Selection Task Force Federated States of Micronesia for Capitol Complex and Community College of Micronesia. IN
Book Pac.TA462.M33 2003 Antiquities.Metal corrosion in Chuuk Lagoon : a survey of iron shipwrecks and aluminium aircraft. MacLeod, Ian Donald IN
 2 Pac.TA501.I7 2006
 7 Pac.TA520.W45 1967
Book Pac.TA592.6M5W66 1996 Air photo survey of coastal areas, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Woodward, Phil IN
Book Pac.TC1.S3 1992 Geology and hydrogeology of the Island of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. IN
Book Pac.TC24.H3W334 1991 Water resources development in Hawaii and other Pacific Basin areas 1991: civil worksprojects of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Hawaii, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territories of American Samoa and Guam. IN
 3 Pac.TC124.A5U5 1975
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