View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.TE228.M5 2006
  Call Number Title Author Status
 3 Pac.SH367.C3G4
Book Pac.SH367.K67T17 2009 Assessment of the trochus resources of Kosrae in June 2008 and recommendations for management. Tardy, Emmanuel IN
 3 Pac.SH367.M334 1958
Book Pac.SH367.M433O36 2019 Giant clam production in the Republic of the Marshall Islands : a condensed guideline. Oengpepa, Cletus IN
Book Pac.SH367.P7T17 2009 Assessment of the trochus resources of Pohnpei Island in June 2008 and recommendations for management. Tardy, Emmanuel IN
Book Pac.SH367.T63P17 2009 The status of the trochus (Trochus niloticus) resource in Tongatapu lagoon and recommendations for management. Pakoa, Kalo IN
Book Pac.SH367.V26.P17 2009 Epi Island trochus and sea cucumber resource status and recommendations for management. Pakoa, Kalo IN
Book Pac.SH370.A7T43 2016 Assessment of Samoa's trochus (Tectus niloticus) fishery : history, status and recommendations for management. IN
 4 Pac.SH370.M334
Book Pac.SH370.T7P3 Trochus resources survey: mission report. Parkinson, Brian J. IN
Book Pac.SH371.B53 Scheme of oyster farming in the Philippines. Blanco, G.J. IN
 2 Pac.SH372.52.O3H53 1989a
 3 Pac.SH373.C3G53 1988
 2 Pac. SH373.C6 E4456 2000
 3 Pac.SH373.E44 1996
Book Pac.SH373.2.H48 1990 Giant clam farming /. Heslinga, Gerald IN
Book Pac.SH373.2.M53 Micronesian Mariculture Demonstration Center. IN
 3 Pac.SH373.2.O3S87 1992
 2 Pac.SH375.S56 1990
 3 Pac.SH377.M433S567 2004
 3 Pac.SH377.O3H38 c.1
Book Pac.SH377.5.G555 2020 Trochus in the Pacific Islands : a review of the fisheries, management and trade. IN
Book Pac.SH377.5.P37 1986 A report on the potential for the introduction of trochus (Trochus niloticus) to Tuvalu. Parkinson, Brian J. IN
Book Pac.SH380.G8A6 General feasibility analysis prawn acquaculture on Guam. IN
Book Pac.SH380.N3 The commercial culture of the freshwater prawn (M. rosenbergii) : an overview and economic assessments. Nakagawa, Jean IN
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