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  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 VerF 0020.75 Pac
Mixed VerF 0022.76 Pac Nan Madol : a selected bibliography. Ayres, William S. IN
Mixed VerF 0022.77 Pac Ponape archaeological survey, July 28-September 23, 1977 : preliminary report (77-1). Ayres, William S. IN
Mixed VerF 0022.78 Pac Ponape Archaeological Survey, June-August, 1978 : preliminary report (78-1). Ayres, William S. IN
Mixed VerF 0022.90 Pac Pohnpei's position in eastern Micronesian prehistory. Ayres, William S. IN
Serial VerF 0023.82 Pac The Ngatik massacre : echoes of tragedy. Glimpses of Micronesia & the Western Pacific 1982 June v.22:2 IN
Mixed VerF 0023.85 Pac The Ngatik massacre : documentary and oral traditional accounts. Poyer, Lin, 1953- IN
Mixed VerF 0024.52 Pac Reports from Kiti. Whiting, Alfred F. IN
Mixed VerF 0025.00 Pac [Miscellaneous documents on education and other general informations on Gilbert Islands]. IN
Mixed VerF 0025.55 Pac Report on education in Gilbert Islands,. IN
Mixed VerF 0026.65 Pac Micronesian biographies. IN
Mixed VerF 0026.66 Pac [Trust Territory land tenure studies and surveys files, 1951-1962]. IN
Mixed VerF 0028.83 Pac Ferrocement as a material for hives. Hobson, J. Victor. IN
Mixed VerF 0029.71 Pac [Miscellaneous papers]: Pacific Islands Development Commission Conference,. Pacific Islands Development Commission Conference (1971: Honolulu, Hawaii) OUT
 2 VerF 0030 .69 Pac
Mixed VerF 0030.69 Pac Reciprocal influence of traditional and democratic leadership roles on Ponape. Hughes, Daniel J. IN
Mixed VerF 0031.50 Pac Vital statistics on Ponape Island, Eastern Caroline Islands. Murrill, Rupert Ivan. IN
Mixed VerF 0032.90 Pac Researching the Fiji coups. Lal, Brij V. OUT
Mixed VerF 0033.55 Pac The Pacific islanders and their land : essay presented before the Social Science Association Honolulu, Hawaii, November 7, 1955. Midkiff, Frank E. IN
Mixed VerF 0033.73 Pac. Micronesia : future new nation. Midkiff, Frank E. OUT
Mixed VerF 0034.76 Pac c.2 Life springs from death in Truk lagoon. Earle, Sylvia A. IN
 3 VerF 0035.62 Pac
Mixed VerF 0035.62 Pac. The social meaning of language choice in the Marianas. Solenberger, Robert R. OUT
Mixed VerF 0035.64 Pac Continuity of local political institutions in the Marianas. Solenberger, Robert R. IN
Mixed VerF 0036.81 Pac Seminar [on] the development of Micronesian education/. Segal, Harvey S. 1927-2011 IN
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