View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac. SB453.2 .H3 C55 1987 v.1
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.SB950.6.S3 1999 Plant protection Micronesia. Secretariat of the Pacific Community IN
Book Pac.SB950.93.E7 2008 Ecology, impacts and management of invasive plant species in pastoral areas: proceedings of the regional workshop on invasive plant species in pastoral areas, 24 to 28 November 2003, Kone, New Caledonia = Ecologiem impacts et gestion des plantes envahissantes dans less espaces pastoraux: actes de l;atelier de travail regional sur les plantes envahissantes des escapes pastoraux. IN
 5 Pac.SB951.F58 1981
Book Pac.SB951.S8 An Analysis concerning the production of mosquito coil insect repellent Saipan, Mariana Islands. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Resources and Development. IN
Book Pac.SB959.W67 1989 Implementation of the international code of conduct on the distribution and use of pesticides : report. Workshop on the Implementation of the FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides for the Pacific Island Countries (1989 : Noumea, New Caldonia). IN
Book Pac.SB975.S83 1990 Sub-Regional biocontrol workshop (Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 7-11 November, 1988) : report. IN
 3 Pac.SB985.A78P53 1991
 6 Pac.SB985.M5P69
 6 Pac. SB985 .O3 S68 no.13
Serial Pac.SB985 .P16P33 1998 Report of the second meeting of the Pacific Plant Protection Organization : 2-5 March 1998, Nadi, Fiji: report. IN
 2 Pac.SB994.R2W55 1974
 2 Pac.SB994.R6R69 1966
 3 Pac.SB998.N45B75 1988
 2 Pac.SB999.M85
 4 Pac.SD115.F34M3
Book Pac.SD115.M625H67 1952 A Synchorological study of the swamp forests in the Micronesian Islands. Hosokowa, Takahide IN
Book Pac.SD115.N32F76 2009 Forest and tree genetic resource conservation, management and sustainable use in Pacific Island countries and territories : priorities, strategies and actions, 2007 - 2015. Forest and Trees Programme of the Land Resources Division. IN
 2 Pac.SD115.P3M35 1988
Book Pac.SD115.S6W5 Guide to the forests of the British Solomon Islands. Whitmore, T. C. (Timothy Charles) IN
 3 Pac.SD123.3.P634 2005 c.3
 2 Pac.SD244.9.D862 1995
Book Pac.SD244.9.F86 2003 National-level planning for the cooperation between the SPC/GTZ Pacific German regional forestry project and the Federated States of Micronesia : workshop report. Fung, Christine IN
Serial Pac.SD244.9.P32 Progress reports to cooperators on selected activities. IN
Mixed Pac.SD244.9.T87 1976 Report to the Congress of Micronesia on forest resources and development prospects. Turbang, Joseph IN
 5 Pac.SD245.M5M3 1966
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