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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Doc.U163.L48 2013 The cyber index : international security trends and realities. Lewis, James Andrew, 1953- author. IN
Serial Doc.U264.P67 2000 Tactical nuclear weapons : options for control. Potter, William C. IN
Book Doc.U264.T33 2002 Tactical nuclear weapons : time for control. IN
Serial Doc.U264.5.E85S54 2000 Tactical nuclear weapons : a perspective from Ukraine. Shevtsov, A. IN
Book Doc.U793.F75 After non-detection, what? : what Iraq's unfound WMD mean for the future of non-proliferation. Friend, Michael. IN
Book Doc.UA12.5.W39 2010 Ways to strengthen the field of verification : 20 February 2009, United Nations, New York. IN
Book Doc.UA17.P76 2010 Promoting further openness and transparency in military matters : an assessment of the United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures. IN
Book Doc.UA917.M42M85 2005 Listening for change : participatory evaluations of DDR and arms reduction in Mali, Cambodia and Albania. Muggah, Robert. IN
Book Doc.UD385.S6M4 2004 A guide to the destruction of small arms and light weapons : he approach of the South African National Defence Force. Meek, Sarah. IN
Book Doc.UF860.C18 2006 Cluster munitions in Albania and Lao PDR : the humanitarian and socio-economic impact. Cave, Rosy. IN
Book Doc.UG490.S45 2000 Landmines in Kosovo. IN
 2 Doc.UG1282.C45H85 2008
Book Doc.UG1520.O93 2003 Outer space and global security. Outer Space and Global Security Conference (2002 : Geneva, Switzerland) IN
 2 Doc.UG1520.U55 2007
Book Doc.UG1530.U55 2006 Building the architecture for sustainable space security. Building the architecture for sustainable space security (2006 : Geneva, Switzerland) IN
Book Doc.UNA/CONF.151(063.5)/N2 Nations of the earth report : United Nations Conference on Environment and Development : national reports summaries. United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) : (1992. IN
Book Doc.UNCTAD/DITC/COM/2004/1 Commodity atlas. IN
 2 Doc.UNCTAD/DITE/2(Vol.V)
Book Doc.UNCTAD/DITE/4(Vol.XII) International investment Instruments : A Compendium. IN
Serial Doc.UNCTAD/ITCD/TAB/2 Is there effectively a level playing field for developing country exports?. Supper, Erich. IN
Serial Doc.UNCTAD/ITCD/TAB/3 E-commerce, WTO and developing countries. Panagariya, Arvind. IN
Serial Doc.UNCTAD/ITCD/TAB/4 Assessing the results of general equilibrium studies of multilateral trade negotiations. Francois, Joseph F. IN
Serial Doc.UNCTAD/ITCD/TAB/5 Tariffs, taxes and electronic commerce: revenue implications for developing countries. Teltscher, Susanne. IN
Serial Doc.UNCTAD/ITCD/TAB/6 What can the developing countries infer from the Uruguay Round models for future negotiations. Whalley, John. IN
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