View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VerF 0207 Pac
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VerF 0167.87 Pac Linguistic evidence of New Guinea-Micronesia Connection. Sakiyama, Osamu IN
 2 VerF 0169 Pac
Mixed VerF 0174.2009 Pac. Papers, articles, correspondences, etc. OUT
 4 VerF 0175.93 Pac
Mixed VerF 0181.93 Pac. Statement by Jacob Nena, Vice President of the Federated States of Micronesia in the General Debate, World Conference of Human Rights, Vienna, Austria, 21 June 1993. IN
Mixed VerF 0185.13 Pac. Papers and news articles of Kohne Ramon. IN
Mixed VerF 0189 Pac. Pangelinan, Del : [papers and news articles, etc.]. Pangelinan, Del 1937- IN
Mixed VerF 0191.74 Pac Scholarships, fellowsships, etc. : Philipp, Calude H. Philipp, Claude H. 1947- IN
Mixed VerF 0192 Pac Papers and news articles. Christian, Peter IN
Mixed VerF 0195 Pac. Amaraich, Andon : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0196 Pac Mangefel, John : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0197 Pac Figir, Isaac: papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0198 Pac Yleizah, Nishima : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0199 Pac Fritz, Jack : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0199.91 Pac Fritz, Jack : Statement by the Honorable Jack Fritz, Speaker,Congress of Micronesia at the 46th session of the General Assembly of United Nations, New york, September 17, 1991. IN
Book VerF 0200.67 Pac. Districting a new legislature in Micronesia. Meller, Norman. IN
 2 VerF 0200.75 Pac
Book VerF 0200.80 Pac. On matters constitutional in Micronesia. Meller, Norman. IN
Mixed VerF 0201.65 Pac. Photographs : Truk islander Ship. IN
Mixed VerF 0202 Pac. Refalopei, Kalisto: papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0203 Pac. Setik, Raymond : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0204 Pac. Gouland, Sasauo: papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0205 Pac. Paul, Olter : papers and news articles. IN
Mixed VerF 0205.75 Pac Paul, Olter : Scholarships, fellowships, etc. IN
Mixed VerF 0206 Pac Sigrah, Joab : Scholarships, fellowships, etc. IN
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