View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.SH351.T8C34
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.SH319.P34M66 2015 Creel survey and demographic assessments of coastal finfish fisheries of southern Palau, September 2014. Moore, Bradley (Fisheries scientist), author. IN
 7 Pac.SH319.P44P38 2007
Book Pac.SH319.P763 2012 Proceedings of the Tahiti aquaculture conference : 6-11 December 2010. IN
Serial Pac.SH319.R32J35 2013 Reviving Community Spirit : Furthering the sustainable, historical and economic role of fish weirs and traps. Jeffery, Bill. IN
Book Pac. SH319.S6 E4 Report of the South Pacific Commission outer reef artisanal fisheries project in Solomon Islands, 5 April 1977 - 31 january 1978. Eginton, Reg. IN
 6 Pac.SH319.T6R47 1990
 18 Pac.SH319.T8K88 1988
 2 Pac.SH319.T9 S68
 3 Pac.SH319.T58C43 1990
 2 Pac.SH319.V36 F847 1983
 5 Pac.SH319.W4S26 2013
Book Pac.SH319.W35F87 1980 Rapport sur le projet de de´veloppement de la peche profonde a` Wallis et Futuna (13 fe´vrier-2 juillet 1980). Fusimalohi, Tevita. IN
Book Pac.SH319.W55 a top priority :Marine resources: a top priority. Wilson T. Peter IN
 4 Pac.SH319.Y3M3 1980 c.4
Book Pac.SH323.B56 1938 Report on the international law of Pacific coastal fisheries. Bingham, Joseph Walter, 1878- IN
Book Pac.SH323.E34 1977 Economic impacts of extended fisheries jurisdiction : proceedings of a symposium. IN
 2 Pac.SH325.F42A4 1996
 2 Pac.SH325.H3O7
 3 Pac.SH327.T7A15
Book Pac SH327.5.K67 1996 Kosrae State Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources : Resource Center Project. Sigrah, Aaron F. IN
Book Pac.SH327.5.N43 1993 Nearshore marine resources of the South Pacific : information for fisheries development and management. IN
 3 Pac.SH327.5.U55
 2 Pac.SH327.65.S42F56 1978
Book Pac.SH327.7.D66 1999 Fish for thought : fisheries, international trade and sustainable development : initial issues for consideration by a multi-stakeholder policy dialogue, research and information-exchange process. Dommen, Caroline. IN
Book Pac.SH328.B76 2005 Model plan for a Pacific Island country : national plan of action to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. Brown, Colin. IN
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