View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HT395.T7T68
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac. HV551.2.P7P7
 2 Pac.HV551.2.P11 1994
Book Pac.HV551.3.P33 Pacific disaster center (PDC) : concept of operations. IN
Book Pac.HV551.3.U1 2004 Roundtable of federal hazard mitigation partners in the Pacific Islands : Sheraton Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 16 to 18, 2004. United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. IN
 3 Pac.HV551.5.F42D57 2005
 2 Pac.HV551.5.M5A6 1989
 2 Pac.HV551.5.O3S67 1999
 2 Pac.HV551.5.P16P76 1992
Book Pac.HV551.5.S575I5 2005 Solomon Islands from risk assessment to community actions : case study. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. IN
Book Pac.HV553.F43 Federal disaster assistance : individual and family grant program Marshall Islands wave action disaster: audit report no.81-2. IN
Book Pac.HV553.H54 1983 Community self-reliance in coping with natural disaster : a survey of perceived responsibility in response to hazard events among the Pacific Islanders of Truk, Ponape, and Hawaii. Higginbotham, Nick IN
Book Pac.HV553.T78 1975 The Trust Territory work plan : draft. IN
Book Pac.HV555.A78N77 2013 Nurses and midwives in action during emergencies and disasters : case studies from the Western Pacific region. World Health Organizaton. IN
 2 Pac.HV555.F53C35 1984
Book Pac.HV555.G85P45 1998 Estorian Paka : Guam's spirit of recovery. Phillips, Bill IN
 3 Pac.HV555.H28P31 2004 c.3
Book Pac.HV555.I75C37 1985 Procedures and guidelines for disaster preparedness and response. Carter, W., 1912- IN
Book Pac. HV555 I75 C36 1986 Post-disaster assessment. Campbell, John R., 1951- IN
Book Pac.HV555.K67P33 Kosrae emergency plan. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Disaster Control Office. IN
 3 Pac.HV555.M5R4 1979
Book Pac.HV555.M53J64 1989 Federated States of Micronesia : administrative plan for the hazard mitigation grant program part I. Johnson, E.D. IN
 2 Pac. HV555 M5 T7
 5 Pac.HV555.O3A35 1982
Book Pac.HV555.P5P33 1980 South Pacific disaster preparedness and response : an overview of current activities and proposals. Pacific Islands Development Program (East-West Center). IN
 5 Pac.HV555.T7T74 1975
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