View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HA4010.5.A6S1 2008 c.2
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.GN440.2T37 2007
Book Pac.GN454.D35 Ancient games and sports in the Pacific. Danielsson, Bengt. IN
Book Pac.GN455.G6M34 String-figures from the Gilbert Islands. Maude, H. C. (Honor C.) IN
 2 Pac.GN455.S9M382 2001
Mixed Pac GN 455 S9 N62 String figures of Papua New Guinea. Noble, Philip. IN
Mixed Pac.GN463.W3713 1979 Dance and songs of Yap. Walleser, Sixtus. IN
Book Pac.GN468.C6E8 1974 A study of musical instruments from the Eastern Caroline Islands in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum Collection. Evans, Donald E. IN
Book Pac.GN468.M94D54 'Keeper-of-the-drum' : Silent objects and musical pasts of Pohnpei, Micronesia. Diettrich, Brian IN
Book Pac.GN472.75.C19 2004 Cargo, cult, and culture critique. IN
 2 Pac.GN472.75.L56 1993
Book Pac.GN473.F48 1967 Tikopia ritual and belief. Firth, Raymond William, 1901- IN
 2 Pac.GN476.A44 1970
 2 Pac.GN476.15.H52 2004
 4 Pac.GN476.3.G6 1953
Book Pac.GN476.73.B35 1996 Plants, people, and culture : the science of ethnobotany. Balick, Michael J., 1952- IN
 4 Pac.GN476.73.E86 2009
Book Pac.GN476.73.Y1P57 2019 Long-term survey of food consumption on Pingelap Island. Yamamoto, Sota. IN
Book Pac.GN476.78.W55 2009 Plants of the canoe people : an ethnobotanical voyage through Polynesia. Whistler, W. Arthur. IN
Book Pac.GN477.B56 2002 Illness and cure in Tonga : traditional and modern medical practice. Bloomfield, Siosiane Fanua. IN
Book Pac.GN477.F45 Anutan concepts of disease : a Polynesian study. Feinberg, Richard. IN
Book Pac.GN477.4.K33 1998 Native Hawaiian medicine. Vol. II. IN
Book Pac.GN477.4.M28 1970 A Trukese theory of medicine. Mahony, Frank Joseph, 1925- IN
 3 Pac.GN477.4.R54 1948
Book Pac.GN477.4.S64 1941 Disease, religion and society in the Fiji Islands. Spencer, Dorothy IN
Mixed Pac.GN479.S35 Abortion and depopulation on a Pacific Island. Schneider, David M. (David Murray), 1918-1995. IN
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