View previous page View next page Call Number Search: VF 238 REG 2001
  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VF 315 WHI 2006 Sensory impairement in older adults : part 2 : vision loss. Whiteside, Meredith IN
Mixed VF 316 BAR 1998 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Barkley, Russell A. IN
Mixed VF 317 LAU 2008 Women's "silent" cancer. Laurence, Leslie. IN
Mixed VF 318 EVA 2008 Avoiding restraints in patients with dementia : understanding, prevention, and management are the keys. Evan, Lois K. IN
Mixed VF 319 MIL 2008 Our mutual joy. Miller, Lisa IN
Mixed VF 320 STE 2008 Can HIV be cured?. Stevenson, Mario IN
Mixed VF 321 WAT 2008 The Vaccine search goes on. Watkins, David I. IN
Mixed VF 322 WAR 2008 Families, social support, and self-care among older African-American women with chronic illness. Warren-Findlow, Jan. IN
Mixed VF 323 OBE 2009 Obesity and the bulit environment : does the density of neighborhood fast-foord outlets matter?. IN
Mixed VF 324 ROD 2009 Impact of obesity on work productivity and role disability in individuals with and at risk for diabetes millitus. Rodbard, Helena W. IN
Mixed VF 325 BRO 2009 Could food shortages bring down civilizations?. Brown, Lester R. IN
Mixed VF 326 WHA 2009 What causes albinism ?: are there any treatment for it?. IN
Mixed VF 327 BAR 2009 New Tactics against tuberculosis. Barry, Clifton E. IN
Mixed VF 328 BRO 2008 Progress report on discrimination against women. Wagner, Cynthia G. IN
Mixed VF 329 STE 2008 Cybercrime in the year 2025. Stephens, Gene IN
Mixed VF 330 LIT 2008 The abortion wars get technical. Lithcick, Dahlia IN
Mixed VF 331 BRO 2009 See baby discriminate. Bronson, Po IN
Mixed VF 332 WIN 2009 Ban smoking in public housing. Winickoff, Jonathan IN
Mixed VF 333 FIN 2006 Diabetes in pregnancy. Fink, Jennifer L.W. IN
Mixed VF 334 MAC 2009 Forest watch : the future of the country's public forest is far from clear. MacDonald, Christine IN
Mixed VF 335 BRO 2009 Muddy waters : the push for better clean water protection. Bronski, Peter IN
Mixed VF 336 WAL 2009 America's food crisis and how to fix it. Walsh, Bryan IN
Mixed VF 337 COO 2006 Why me?. Cool, Lisa Collier IN
Mixed VF 339 OLS 2010 The conservative case for gay marriage : why same-sex marriage is an American value. Olson, Theodore B. IN
Mixed VF 340 RUG 2008 A quiet fight over gay adoption. Ruggeri, Amanda IN
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