View previous page View next page Call Number Search: QA76.P25 2011
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Q124.97.G68 1996 The foundations of modern science in the Middle Ages : their religious, institutional, and intellectual contexts. Grant, Edward, 1926- IN
Book Q124.97.M37 2002 It started with Copernicus : how turning the world inside out led to the scientific revolution. Margolis, Howard. IN
Book Q125.2.J33 1997 The scientific revolution : aspirations and achievements, 1500-1700. Jacob, James R. (James Randall), 1940- IN
Book Q125.B87 1985 The tradition of science : landmarks of Western science in the collections of the Library of Congress. Bruno, Leonard C. IN
Book Q125.B97 1965 The origins of modern science: 1300-1800. Butterfield, Herbert, Sir, 1900- IN
Book Q125.C49 1994 Greek science in antiquity. Clagett, Marshall, 1916- IN
Book Q125.C68 1952 Augustine to Galileo : the history of science, A.D. to 400-1650. Crombie, A. C. (Alistair Cameron), 1915- IN
Book Q125.C538 1994 The scientific revolution : a historiographical inquiry. Cohen, H. F. IN
Book Q125.C542 1985 Revolution in science. Cohen, I. Bernard, 1914- IN
Book Q125.H5587 2001 The scientific revolution and the origins of modern science. Henry, John IN
Book Q125.M414 1999 Science and technology in world history : an introduction. McClellan, James E. (James Edward), 1946- IN
Book Q125.R53 1963 From Galileo to Newton. Hall, A. Rupert (Alfred Rupert), 1920- IN
Book Q125.S7 1959 A history of science. Sarton, George, 1884-1956. IN
Book Q127.A5A4 2011 The house of wisdom : how Arabic science saved ancient knowledge and gave us the Renaissance. Al-Khalili, Jim, 1962- IN
Book Q127.C5B63 1991 Chinese thought, society, and science : the intellectual and social background of science and technology in premodern China. Bodde, Derk, 1909- IN
Book Q127.C5K19 2004 Science & technology in China. Ke, Yan. IN
Book Q127.E8D43 1995 Discipline & experience : the mathematical way in the scientific revolution. Dear, Peter Robert. IN
Book Q127.E8D433 2001 Revolutionizing the sciences : European knowledge and its ambitions, 1500-1700. Dear, Peter Robert. IN
Book Q127.E8S352 2002 Science in Europe, 1500-1800 : a primary sources reader. IN
Book Q127.E8S354 2002 Science in Europe, 1500-1800 : a secondary sources reader. IN
Book Q127.G7L57 1970 Early Greek science : Thales to Aristotle. Lloyd, G. E. R. (Geoffrey Ernest Richard), 1933- IN
Book Q127.G7L58 1973 Greek science after Aristotle. Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard IN
Book Q127.U6M671 1982 Japanese technology : getting the best of the least. Moritani, Masanori. IN
Book Q141.G79 2003 The scientists : a history of science told through the lives of its greatest inventors. Gribbin, John R. IN
Book Q141.S5635 2011 The philosophical breakfast club : four remarkable friends who transformed science and changed the world. Snyder, Laura J. IN
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