View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac. SB453.2 .H3 C55 1987 v.1
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.RA644.8.D44S25 2014
 2 Pac.RA644.8.P75S83 1992
 8 Pac.RA645.D5P11 2003
 2 Pac.RA645.H9C85
 4 Pac.RA645.N87N88
 6 Pac.RA645.O23 2002
Book Pac.RA645.T62R44 2015 Meeting report: Pacific workshop on implementation of the Regional action plan for the tobacco free initiative in the Western Pacific (2015-2019). IN
 9 Pac.RA645.V56E46 1995
Book Pac.RA645.5.W67 2015 Western Pacific Regional Framework for Action for : Disaster risk management for health. World Health Organizatio Western Pacific Region. IN
Book Pac.RA645.7.M625E44 1977 Emergency medical services system of Micronesia : final report. IN
Book Pac.RA648.6.R44 1989 Regional Workshop on Epidemiological and Health Statistics Methodology, Noumea, New Caledonia, 10-21 April 1989 : report. Regional Workshop on Epidemiological and Health Statistics Methodology (1989 : Noumea, New Caledonia) IN
 2 Pac.RA650.55.T61 1985 c.2
Book Pac.RA651.M44 2009 Meeting of the Pacific non-communicable disease forum (1st: 24-28 August 2009: Nadi, Fiji Islands). Meeting of the Pacific non-communicable disease forum (1st: 2009: Nadi, Fiji Islands) IN
Book Pac.RA651.R67 2003 Epidemiology of hereditary ocular disorders. Rosenberg, Thomas IN
 2 Pac.RA652.2.P82P84
Book Pac.RA655.2.O25S1 1991 Rapport. Stage sous-regional francophone d'épidémiologie appliqée (1991: Papeete). IN
 2 Pac.RA758.M53F31 2007
Book Pac.RA761.O5L55 2010 Infection prevention and control guidelines : 2010. Leong, Margaret IN
Book Pac.RA771.S8 1963 Rural health conference with particular reference to maternal and child health, Papeete, Tahiti, 18th- 27th April, 1963: working papers. South Pacific Commission. IN
Book Pac.RA771.T27 1964 Conference on rural health in the South Pacific held at Goroka, Territory of Papua and New Guinea 9th-19th November, 1964: report. Territory of Papua and New Guinea Department of Public Health. IN
Book Pac.RA771.7.P16T75 Training of health aides in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Yap District). IN
Serial Pac.RA773.6.P3 1999 PACNET/Western Pacific HealthNet (WPHNet) Pacific Telehealth Conference (Noumea, New Caladeonia, 30 November to 3 December 1998) : report of meeting. IN
Book Pac.RA776.H34S1 2012 Healthy living, healthy life : working together to prevent and manage NCDs in Pacific island countries and territories : introductory training programme: facilitator's manual. IN
Book Pac.RA776.R87 1993 The Hawaii health & fitness guide : practical information & resources to help you improve your lifestyle. Russell, Rory. IN
Book Pac.RA776.5.R22 2007 Nauru non communicable disease action plan 2007-2012. Republic of Nauru. Ministry of Health. IN
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