View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.J981.T7H3 1978-79 c.2
  Call Number Title Author Status
 6 Pac.JX4408.U554 1977 v.1
 2 Pac.JX4408.W54 1986
 2 Pac.JX4411.G7
Book Pac.JX 4411.L38T384 Rights and responsibilities in the maritime environment : national and international dilemmas. Maritime Policy Issues Conference (1995 : Australian Institute of International Affairs, Canberra) IN
Archive Pac.JX4411M5P7 Micronesian position paper on the Law of the Sea. Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. IN
Book Pac.JX4411.O3F67 1999 Consultative meeting on law of the sea follow-up activities: notes of discussions. Forum Secretariat. IN
 17 Pac.JX4411.T78 1975b c.3
Book Pac.JX4421.L38 1983 Final act of the third United Nations conference of the law of the sea. IN
Book Pac.JX4422.O25T79 1996 Evaluation of the implications of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea for SPREP activities. Tsamenyi, Martin IN
Book Pac.JX4426.H43 National--international jurisdictional boundary on the ocean floor. Hedberg, Hollis Dow, 1903- IN
Book Pac.JX4426.S85 Pacific Basin enterprise and the changing law of the sea. Sullivan, Jeremiah J., 1940- IN
Book Pac.JX4449.N3J66 1975 Flags of convenience in the Pacific : prospects for proliferation, impact, and regulation. Jones, Nancy K. IN
Book Pac.JX5133.A7U54 1992 Marshall Islands : status of the Nuclear Claims Trust Fund : report to Congressional requesters. United States. General Accounting Office. IN
 4 Pac.JX5486.U6A26 1974
 3 Pac.JXl977.2.O34P33 l985
Book Pac.JZ1138.E1L78 2001 Local natural resource disputes and domestically sustainable globalization in the Pacific islands : January 2001. Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center IN
Book Pac.JZ1318.F68 Pacific Island nations in the age of globalization. Foundation for Advanced Information and Research, Japan Committee for Pacific Island Countries. IN
Book Pac.JZ1318.G51H83 2013 Global risks 2013 : an initiative of the Risk Response Network. Howell, Lee IN
Book Pac.JZ1318.G56 2006 Globalisation and governance in the Pacific Islands. IN
 4 Pac.JZ1318.P33 2003
Book Pac.JZ1324.C68 2001 Cotonou infokit : the Cotonou agreement at a glance. IN
 3 Pac.JZ1450.S1 1995
Book Pac.JZ2040.A19U5H 2003 Joint resolution : To approve the Compact of Free Association, as amended, between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Federated States of America, and the Compact of Free Association, as amended, between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and to appropriate funds to carry out the amended Compacts. United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. IN
 2 Pac.JZ4850.P33 2019
Book Pac.JZ4871.5.J3B87 2008 Japan and the League of Nations: Empire and world order, 1914-1938. Burkman, Thomas W. IN
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