View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.RA395.M28 2010
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.QL757.A4 1946 Preliminary report of parasitological observations made of the Islands of Truk and Ponape, Eastern Caroline Is. Alicata, Joseph E. IN
Book Pac.QL981.8.G56G56 2001 Global warming. IN
Book Pac.QL993.P68 2011 Pou and Miri : learn to tackle climate change. IN
Book Pac.QL993.W65 1994 Global climate change and coral reefs : implications for people and reefs : report of the UNEP-IOC-ASPEI-IUCN Global Task Team on the Implications of Climate Change on CoralReefs. Wilkinson, Clive R. IN
 2 Pac.QP34.5.A55 1983
 12 Pac.QP75.P51 1968
Book Pac.QP98.C55 A collaborative genetical survey in Marshall Islanders. IN
 4 Pac.QP98.S537
Book Pac.QP141.T66 1983 Mahu'inga 'o e me'akai Tonga = Nutrient values of Tongan food. Tonga. National Food & Nutrition Committee. IN
Book Pac.QP141.V4 1962 A study of the diet, nutrition and health of the people of the Chimbu area (New Guinea highlands). Venkatachalam, P. S. IN
 2 Pac.QP171.O65 1970
Book Pac.QP185.O23 1985 Nettai to kanzobyo = Liver diseases in the tropical area. IN
Mixed Pac.QP251.I628 Characterization of embryogenesis and early larval development in the Pacific triton, Charonia tritonis (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda). IN
 2 Pac.QP251.U1F31 2012
Book Pac.QP671.C35P76 2001 Proceedings of the first South East Asia and Pacific regional meeting on carotenoids 2-5 August 2000 Bangkok, Thailand. IN
 2 Pac.QR106.M33 1996 c. 2
Book Pac.QR201.R67M44 2019 Meeting report : rotavirus disease prevention through immunization in the Western Pacific region. World Health Organization. IN
Book Pac.QR351.D28 2005 Surveys for plant diseases caused by viruses and virus-like pathogens in the Cook Islands. Davis, R.I. IN
 2 Pac.R99.T61T6 1992
 7 Pac.R106.C6 1974
Book Pac.R123.W89 2007 WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the Western Pacific Region. IN
Book Pac.R154.N694A3 2003 I'm third : God is first, everyone else is second, I'm third ; an American boy of depression years ; memoirs of Robert A. Nordyke, M.D. Nordyke, Robert Allan, 1919-1997. IN
Book Pac.R681.N67 1963 Annotated bibliography on medical research in the South Pacific. Norman-Taylor, William. IN
 4 Pac.R683.F5H57 1979?
Book Pac.R683.H3S8 1979 Folk healing in Honolulu, Hawaii. Snyder, Patricia Jean. IN
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