View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.R697.A4C6 1987
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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.QL993.P68 2011 Pou and Miri : learn to tackle climate change. IN
Book Pac.QL993.W65 1994 Global climate change and coral reefs : implications for people and reefs : report of the UNEP-IOC-ASPEI-IUCN Global Task Team on the Implications of Climate Change on CoralReefs. Wilkinson, Clive R. IN
 2 Pac.QP34.5.A55 1983
 12 Pac.QP75.P51 1968
Book Pac.QP98.C55 A collaborative genetical survey in Marshall Islanders. IN
 4 Pac.QP98.S537
Book Pac.QP141.T66 1983 Mahu'inga 'o e me'akai Tonga = Nutrient values of Tongan food. Tonga. National Food & Nutrition Committee. IN
Book Pac.QP141.V4 1962 A study of the diet, nutrition and health of the people of the Chimbu area (New Guinea highlands). Venkatachalam, P. S. IN
 2 Pac.QP171.O65 1970
Book Pac.QP185.O23 1985 Nettai to kanzobyo = Liver diseases in the tropical area. IN
Mixed Pac.QP251.I628 Characterization of embryogenesis and early larval development in the Pacific triton, Charonia tritonis (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda). IN
 2 Pac.QP251.U1F31 2012
Book Pac.QP671.C35P76 2001 Proceedings of the first South East Asia and Pacific regional meeting on carotenoids 2-5 August 2000 Bangkok, Thailand. IN
 2 Pac.QR106.M33 1996 c. 2
Book Pac.QR201.R67M44 2019 Meeting report : rotavirus disease prevention through immunization in the Western Pacific region. World Health Organization. IN
Book Pac.QR351.D28 2005 Surveys for plant diseases caused by viruses and virus-like pathogens in the Cook Islands. Davis, R.I. IN
 2 Pac.R99.T61T6 1992
 7 Pac.R106.C6 1974
Book Pac.R123.W89 2007 WHO international standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the Western Pacific Region. IN
Book Pac.R154.N694A3 2003 I'm third : God is first, everyone else is second, I'm third ; an American boy of depression years ; memoirs of Robert A. Nordyke, M.D. Nordyke, Robert Allan, 1919-1997. IN
Book Pac.R681.N67 1963 Annotated bibliography on medical research in the South Pacific. Norman-Taylor, William. IN
 4 Pac.R683.F5H57 1979?
Book Pac.R683.H3S8 1979 Folk healing in Honolulu, Hawaii. Snyder, Patricia Jean. IN
Book Pac.R683.P7W38 1977 Curing on Ponape : a medical ethnography. Ward, Roger Lemuel, 1935- IN
 2 Pac.R684.D3A3 1952
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