View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.QL596.S3Y7 1975
  Call Number Title Author Status
 5 Pac.QL636.5.S5T8
Book Pac.QL636.5.S25S8 A Survey of the fish resources of Saipan lagoon. IN
 11 Pac.QL636.5.T7H38
Book Pac.QL636.5.Y3J3 1987 Fish nomenclature of Yap State. Jacobsen, Kurt, 1954- IN
Book Pac.QL638.A2K8513 2001 Surgeonfishes, rabbitfishes, and their relatives : a comprehensive guide to Acanthuroidei. Kuiter, Rudie H. (Rudie Herman), 1943- IN
Book Pac.QL638.C34B27 1959 The barramundi lates calcarifer (bloch) in Queensland waters. Dunstan, D.J. IN
Book Pac.QL638.C48A45 1998 A guide to angelfishes & butterflyfishes. Allen, Gerald R. IN
Book Pac.QL638.G7H31 Sampling Hawaiian stream gobies. Baker, John A. IN
Book Pac.QL638.P77F38 1997 Anemone fishes and their host sea anemones : a guide for aquarists and divers. Fautin, Daphne Gail. IN
Book Pac.QL638.S9K85 2000 Seahorses, pipefishes, and their relatives : a comprehensive guide to Syngnathiformes. Kuiter, Rudie H. (Rudie Herman), 1943- IN
Mixed Pac.QL638.S48R34 2002 Temporal and spatial trends in spawning aggregations of camouflage grouper, Epinephelus polyphekadion, in Pohnpei, Micronesia. Rhodes, Kevin L. IN
Book Pac.QL638.6.P37 2019 Shark and ray identification manual for observers and crew of the western and central Pacific tuna fisheries. Park, Timothy (Fisheries consultant), author. IN
Book Pac.QL638.9.C6613 1970 The shark: splendid savage of the sea. Cousteau, Jacques Yves. IN
Book Pac.QL638.9M3 Shadows in the sea : the sharks, skates and rays. McCormick, Harold W. (Harold Weber), 1903- IN
Book Pac.QL641.L48 2003 Naturalized reptiles and amphibians of the world. Lever, Christopher, 1932- IN
 2 Pac.QL644.2.R48R34 1991
Book Pac.QL653.H3M33 1978 Hawaiian reptiles and amphibians. McKeown, Sean. IN
Book Pac.QL663.A1C63 1992 Reptiles and amphibians of Australia. Cogger, Harold G. IN
Book Pac.QL664.A1L6 1945 Reptiles of the Pacific world. Loveridge, Arthur, b. 1891. IN
 4 Pac.QL664.A3P7B85 1996
 2 Pac.QL664.F4B83 2015
 2 Pac.QL664.N32 2008
 17 Pac.QL666.C5T56 2001
 21 Pac.QL666.C536L33 2007
 2 Pac.QL666.C584T74 2010
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