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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book LC3715.B56 2000 Bilinguality and literacy : principles and practice. IN
Book LC3715.L47 2000 The foundations of dual language instruction. Lessow-Hurley, Judith. IN
Book LC3725.E38 1994 Educating second language children : the whole child, the whole curriculum, the whole community. IN
Book LC3731.B553 1979 Bilingual multicultural education and the professional : from theory to practice. IN
Book LC3731.B684 2000 Literacy and bilingualism : a handbook for all teachers. Brisk, Maria. IN
Book LC3731.C29 2003 Designing and implementing two-way bilingual programs : a step-by-step guide for administrators, teachers, and parents. Calderon, Margarita. IN
Book LC3731.C5568 2000 Dual language instruction : a handbook for enriched education. Cloud, Nancy IN
Book LC3731.F45 2002 Bilingual education : a reference handbook. Feinberg, Rosa Castro. IN
Book LC3731.F715 2003 A new world of writers : teaching writing in a diverse society. Fredericksen, Elaine Freedman, 1942- IN
Book LC3731.L568 2001 Dual language education. Lindholm-Leary, Kathryn J., 1954- IN
Book LC3731.M35 2002 Making a difference in the lives of bilingual/bicultural children. IN
Book LC3731.P465 2002 Learning in two worlds : an integrated Spanish/English biliteracy approach. P†rez, Bertha, 1945- IN
Book LC3731.R46 2005 Assessing culturally and linguistically diverse students : a practical guide. Rhodes, Robert L. IN
Book LC3731.S25 1999 Myths and realities : best practices for language minority students. Samway, Katharine Davies. IN
Book LC3731.W42T42 1985 Teaching heritage language learners : voices from the classroom. IN
Book LC3950.E34 2003 Effective education for learners with exceptionalities. IN
Book LC3965.D93 1985 Helping exceptional students succeed in the regular classroom. D'Zamko, Mary Elizabeth, 1927- IN
Book LC3965.E53 2015 Enduring issues in special education : personal perspectives. IN
Book LC3965.E87 1988 Exceptional children and youth, an introduction. IN
Book LC3965.H63 2001 Exceptional learners : education and research from a global perspective. Holowinsky, Ivan Z. IN
Book LC3965.P54 2003 The special educator's book of lists. Pierangelo, Roger. IN
Book LC3969.5.H23N27 2000 National educational technology standards for students connecting curriculum and technology. IN
Book LC3969.5.Q823M34 2000 Quick guide to the internet for special education. Male, Mary. OUT
Book LC3969.5.R39 1994 Technology, computers, and the special needs learner. Ray, John R. IN
Book LC3969.45.C69 2003 What every special educator must know : the ethics, standards, and guidelines for special educators. Council for Exceptional Children. IN
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