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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book BP605.T69L5313 1991 For humanity : teachings in life and truth: an English translation of excerpts taken from the twelve volumes of El Libro de la vida verdadera. IN
Book BP605.W53H69 2009 Modern Wicca : a history from Gerald Gardner to the present. Howard, Michael, 1948- IN
Book BP605.W53S23 2012 A teaching handbook for Wiccans & Pagans : practical guidance for sharing your path. Sabin, Thea, 1967- IN
Book BP63.C5Z9 2005 Islam in China. Zhang, Guanglin IN
Book BP64.E3W43 1999 A portrait of Egypt : a journey through the world of militant Islam. Weaver, Mary Anne. IN
Book BP75.A5 2013 Life of Muhammad : by Hadrat Mirza Bashiruddin : translated by Qadi Muhammad Aslam. Ahmad, Bashiruddin Mahmud, 188 IN
 2 BQ2052.E5W38 2002
Book BQ277.W36 1993 Buddhism. Wangu, Madhu Bazaz. IN
Book BQ4012.L65 2001 The story of Buddhism : a concise guide to its history and teachings. Lopez, Donald S., 1952- IN
Book BQ4022.D52 1990 The Diamond sutra and the Sutra of Hui-Neng. IN
Book BQ4032.P47 1997 Buddhism. Penney, Sue. IN
Book BQ4040.I3 1983 Life, an enigma, a precious jewel. Ikeda, Daisaku, 1928- IN
Book BQ4040.I3 1989 Life, an enigma, a precious jewel. Ikeda, Daisaku, 1928- IN
Book BQ4055.I3 1982 Buddhism, the first millennium. Ikeda, Daisaku. IN
Book BQ4487.G43 1997 Graceful exits : how great beings die: death stories of Tibetian, Hindu, & Zen masters. Blackman, Sushila. IN
Book BQ4570.C6I3 1986 Buddhism and the cosmos. Ikeda, Daisaku, 1928- IN
Book BQ4570.H8I3 1995 A new humanism : a Buddhist perspective: the university addresses of Daisaku Ikeda. Ikeda, Daisaku, 1928- IN
Book BQ4570.P4I3 2001 For the sake of peace : seven paths to global harmony, a Buddhist perspective. Ikeda, Daisaku. IN
Book BQ4570.S3I3 1998 Space and eternal life : a dialogue between Daisaku Ikeda and Chandra Wickramasinghe. Ikeda, Daisaku. IN
Book BQ5136.3.J3G66 1994 Alms and Vagabonds : Buddhist temples and popular patronage in medieval Japan. Goodwin, Janet R., 1939- IN
Book BQ5405.M656 1997 The accidental Buddhist : mindfulness, enlightenment, and sitting still. Moore, Dinty W., 1955- IN
Book BQ5660.P74 2000 Inherent solutions to spiritual obscurations. Prescott, Richard Chambers. IN
Book BQ626.I3 1997 The flower of Chinese Buddhism. Ikeda, Daisaku, 1928- IN
Book BQ626.L63 2005 Buddhism in China. Ling, Haicheng. IN
Book BQ6450.J32R22 2005 Making pilgrimages : meaning and practice in Shikoku. Reader, Ian, 1949- IN
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