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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HM851.P65 2007 Policing the Internet. IN
Book HM851.T86 2011 Alone together : why we expect more from technology and less from each other. Turkle, Sherry. IN
Book HM851.W44 2008 What is the impact of cyberlife?. IN
Book HM886.P55 2001 Pilot research project on urban violence and health : determinants and management ; a study in Jakarta, Karachi and conurbation Ruhrgebiet. IN
Book HM886.W49 1999 Violence and health : proceedings of a WHO Global Symposium, 12-15 October 1999, Kobe, Japan. Global Symposium on Violence and Health (1999 : Kobe, Japan) IN
Book HN13.D53 2005 Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed. Diamond, Jared M. IN
Book HN16.I3 2001 Sekai ga moshi 100-nin no mura dattara = If the world were a village of 100 people. Ikeda, Kayoko, 1948- IN
Book HN16.M87 1976 Status and conformity. Murphy, Richard W. IN
Book HN17.5.D84 1989 The new realities : in government and politics, in economy and business, in society, and in world view. Drucker, Peter Ferdinand, 1909- IN
Book HN17.5.P698 2004 Positively M.A.D. : making a difference in your organizations, communities & the world : stories and ideas from 50 of today's leading experts. OUT
Book HN17.5.R356 1995 The radicalism handbook : radical activists, groups and movements of the twentieth century. Button, John. IN
Book HN17.5.T636 1995 Creating a new civilization : the politics of the Third Wave. Toffler, Alvin. IN
Book HN17.L62 2000 Discovering the meaning of prevention : a practical approach to positive change. Lofquist, William A. IN
Book HN18.3.C76 2007 How can we solve our social problems?. Crone, James A. IN
Book HN18.B64 2007 How to change the world. Bornstein, David. IN
Book HN28.S92 1991 Introduction to social problems. Sullivan, Thomas J., 1944- IN
Book HN380.Z9M844 2013 Creating community cohesion : religion, media and multiculturalism. Herbert, David, 1967- IN
Book HN460.V5R57 1990 The rise of hatred and violence in Germany. IN
Book HN475.5.H39 1985 Italian labyrinth. Haycraft, John. IN
Book HN49.C6E36 1995 Ecology and rural education : manual for rural teachers. IN
Book HN49.C6N47 2004 New governance for a new rural economy : reinventing public and private institutions. IN
Book HN49.C6V45 1989 Learning to teach : training of trainers for community development. Vella, Jane Kathryn, 1931- IN
Book HN49.I56W26 2003 Technology and social inclusion : rethinking the digital divide. Warschauer, Mark IN
Book HN523.5.I913 1989 From under the rubble. Solzheniëtísyn, Aleksandr Isaevich, 1918- IN
Book HN537.5.S43 1985 Nice promises. Sebastian, Tim. IN
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