View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.Z675.L4L8 1989a
  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 Pac.Z871.P64C95 1999
 2 Pac.Z871.P185R47 1999
Serial Pac.Z871.S6U45 The University of South Pacific Library : Annual report. University of the South Pacific Library. IN
 13 Pac.Z871.T7W55 1979
Book Pac.Z871.T71 Long range program under the Library Services and Construction Act, as amended, providing library services for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands for the period July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1977. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of Library Services. IN
Book Pac.Z872.A1B53 2007 Voices from other side : user reports of New Zealand library reference encounters. Bidwell, Pam IN
Book Pac.Z873.C65D75 1994 COM-FSM library survey : Fall 1994. Driscoll, Patti IN
 3 Pac.Z873.M27C73 1978
 10 Pac.Z874.A1D57
Book Pac.Z881.U5 A list of books (with references to periodicals) on Samoa and Guam. United States Library of Congress IN
Book Pac.Z973.M27P12l 1978 Long range program : under the library services and Construction Act, as amended providing library services for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for the period of fiscal year 1978 through fiscal year 1982. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Office of Library Services IN
Book Pac.Z976.O3S6 Catalogue of recordings of Pacific Islands music. South Pacific Commission. IN
 4 Pac.Z1033.M5T78 v.2
 10 Pac.Z1035.A1P1
Book Pac.Z1037.A1S35 1991 A bibliography of literature for Micronesian children. Salas, Marilyn. IN
 16 Pac.Z1215.A97
 12 Pac.Z1215.N48 1996
Book Pac.Z3008.L58A8 1978 Asian/Pacific literatures in English : bibliographies. IN
Book Pac.Z3298.A5N48 The Philippines in World War II and to independence (December 8, 1941-July 4, 1946) : an annotated bibliography. Netzorg, Morton J. IN
Book Pac. Z 3309 .L53 1992 Japanese government documents and censored publications = [Nihon no köbunsho oyobi ken'etsu shiryö] : A checklist of the microfilm collection. Library of Congress. IN
Serial Pac.Z4001.B52 Bibliographie de l'oceanie. IN
 2 Pac.Z4001.C3
Book Pac.Z4001.C28 1978 Catalog of the South Pacific collection. University of California, Santa Cruz. University Library. IN
 2 Pac.Z4001.D37
Book Pac.Z4001.K4 1965 Calendar of documents: Spanish voyages in the South Pacific from Alvaro de Mendana to Alejandro Malaspina, 1567-1794, and the Franciscan missionary plans for the peoples of the Austral lands, 1617-1634. Kelly, Celsus. IN
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