View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.QH198 A7W4
  Call Number Title Author Status
 10 Pac.QC948U5
 2 Pac.QC981.3.D44 2012
Book Pac.QC981.6.C5P53 1998 A Pacific programme that combines scientific and technical knowledge in developing national policies and capabilities for implementing the UNFCC Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Programme.; South Pacific Regional Environment Programme. PICCAP, Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Programme. IN
 43 Pac.QC981.8.C5A7 2002
 3 Pac.QC981.8.G5E43 1983
 5 Pac.QC981.8.G56M35 2013
Book Pac.QC981.8.S3F47 2011 Fiji REDD-plus policy : reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Fiji. Fiji. Department of Forestry. Secretariat of the Pacific Community. IN
 5 Pac.QC993.A1S23 1993
 3 Pac.QC993.A3F42 2003
 2 Pac.QC993.M5P74 2001
Book Pac.QC993.M433S656 Stormy years : on the Association between the El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenon and the occurence of typhoon in the Marshall Islands. Spennemann, Dirk H.R. IN
 5 Pac.QC993.O3A33 2000
Book Pac.QC993.Y33P5 2004 Pictures of typhoon Sudal aftermath in Yap. Waab Island, Dept. of Education Infrastructure. IN
 2 Pac.QC994.5.N15 2007
 2 Pac.QC994.55.K8R14 2008
 3 Pac.QC994.6.U63 v.4
Serial Pac.QC999.S67 1998 Fourth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD), Apia, Samoa, 8-10 July, 1997. SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (4th : 1998 : Apia, Samoa) IN
 2 Pac.QC1080.P23 1999
Book Pac.QD40.S83 2011 Misconceptions in chemistry: a comparative study of Samoa and New Zealand high schools to identify their different origins and approaches to eliminate and correct them. Suaalii, Faguele IN
Book Pac.QD181.N6S6 1998 Part I. The acyl-tunichlorins : a new class of nickel chlorins isolated from the Caribbean tunicate Trididemnum solidum ; Part II. Cytotoxic constituents of the sponges Stylissa carteri and Petrosia sp. ; Part III. Electrospraytandem mass spectrometry studies. Sings, Heather Leigh, 1969- IN
 2 Pac.QE1.F5H68 1958
 4 Pac.QE26.2.S6 1997
Book Pac.QE33S48 Submarine geology. Shepard, Francis Parker, 1897- IN
 2 Pac.QE39.M43
Book Pac.QE48.M433G46 1982 Geotechnical investigation Marshall Islands capitol buildings, Majuro Atoll : final report. IN
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