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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book HQ799.2.M35D97 2008 The Lolita effect : the media sexualization of young girls and what we can do about it. Durham, Meenakshi Gigi. IN
Book HQ799.7.C65 1979 Youth and the needs of the Nation : report of the Committee for the Study of National Service. Committee for the Study of National Service (U.S.) OUT
Book HQ799.15.D45 2002 Surviving Ophelia : mothers share their wisdom in navigating the tumultuous teenage years. Dellasega, Cheryl. IN
Book HQ799.15.S45 2002 Parenting your out-of-control teenager : 7 steps to reestablish authority and reclaim love. Sells, Scott P. IN
Book HQ800.K93 1996 A women alone : my twenty years of work as a single woman in developing countries. Kwiers, Stella Pieters. IN
Book HQ801.G67 1996 Mars and Venus together forever : relationship skills for lasting love. Gray, John, 1951- IN
Book HQ801.M345 l992 Till the heart be touched : building intimacy in marriage, family, and friendship/. MacDonald, Gordon, 1939- OUT
Book HQ806.L38 1987 Adultery in the United States : close encounters of the sixth (or seventh) kind. Lampe, Philip E. IN
Book HQ806.S4 2006 Intimacy after infidelity : how to rebuild and affair-proof your marriage. Solomon, Steven D. IN
Book HQ809.3.U5M385 1995 Domestic violence : a reference handbook. McCue, Margi Laird. IN
Book HQ809.B87 1996 Family violence. Burby, Liza N. IN
Book HQ814.T79 2005 The truth about divorce. IN
Book HQ834.C6 2004 Divorce with decency : the complete how-to handbook and survivor's guide to the legal, emotional, economic, and social issues. Coates, Bradley A. IN
Book HQ981.S89 1985 The universe is a green dragon : a cosmic creation story. Swimme, Brian. IN
Book HS416.J33 1991 Living the enlightenment : freemasonry and politics in eighteenth-century Europe. Jacob, Margaret C., 1943- IN
Book HT123.C68 1993 The 100 best small towns in America. Crampton, Norman. IN
Book HT123.I58 1993 Interwoven-destinies : cities and the nation. IN
Book HT147.C48W18 2007 Cities in China. Wang, Jie IN
Book HT147.E18Y48 2000 Globalization and networked societies : urban-regional change in Pacific Asia. Yeung, Yue-man. IN
Book HT1521.B45 1965 Race and ethnic relations. Berry, Brewton. IN
Book HT1521.G35 1997 Racism. Garg, Samidha. IN
Book HT1521.R11 1958 Race : individual and collective behavior. IN
Book HT167.B33 1995 Designing the city : a guide for advocates and public officials. Bacow, Adele Fleet. IN
Book HT169.55.C67 2000 Designing sustainable communities : learning from Village Homes. Corbett, Judy. IN
Book HT255.M17 2007 Language and the city. Mac Giolla Chriost, Diarmait, 1965- IN
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