View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC687M5T78 1977
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HD2346.T14C26 Tungo Suma U Talaya: learn how to weave a throw net. IN
 3 Pac.HD2346.U46
 3 Pac.HD2728.6.P7P75 2000
Book Pac.HD2741.B36 Background: EDLF plan revision. IN
Book Pac.HD2768.P7P75 2000 Pohnpei Utilities Corporation : Schedule of findings and recommendations year ended September 30, 2000. Pohnpei Utilities Corporation. IN
Book Pac.HD2785.M982 1991 Synergy : Japanese companies in Britain. Murray, Geoffrey, 1942 IN
 4 Pac.HD2930.T7T7 1973
Book Pac.HD2930.43.F35 1986 Multinational enterprises in the developing South Pacific region. Fairbairn, Te'o. IN
 2 Pac.HD2963.C63F31 2015
 4 Pac.HD3570.O3T4 1973
 4 Pac.HD3570.T4 1958
Book Pac.HD3575.B69 1963 How co-operatives can help improve living conditions : a guide for study groups. Boyan, R.H. IN
Book Pac.HD3616.F34C55 1995 An assessment of the status of private sector development in the states of Chuuk, Kosrae, and Yap of the Federated States of Micronesia. Chico, Leon V. IN
Book Pac.HD3616.P37M35 1993 Industrialization in Papua New Guinea : unrealized potential?. McGavin, P. A. (Paul A.), 1943- IN
Book Pac.HD3850.P7 1976 Selected bibliography for public works management. Price, Willard Thomas. IN
Book Pac.HD3861.M5E8 1978 Terrestrial surveys of proposed Yap district airport. Environemental Consultants, Inc. IN
 3 Pac.HD3866.M5T73
 5 Pac.HD3866.T7Z4
Book Pac.HD3881.P33 1977 Specifications for Ponape District, Kosrae District, Truk District, Yap District. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Public Works, Headquarters. IN
Book Pac.HD4415.6.M167 1990 Scope for accelerating private sector growth in the Pacific Islands through the implementation of privatization policies. McMaster, Jim IN
Book Pac.HD4415.6.P45 1968 Privatization possibilities among Pacific island countries. Feinstein, Charles, 1954- IN
Book Pac.HD4415.7.D47 Cost estimates capital improvement program - package I: Kosrae District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Department of the Navy. Pacific Division. Naval Facilities Engineering Command. IN
 3 Pac.HD4415.7.P33 1978
Book Pac.HD4415.7.P75 2000 Privatization of public enterprises and corporate governance reforms : interim report. IN
 13 Pac.HD4415.7.Z8Y36 1987-93
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