View previous page View next page Call Number Search: CB353.A35 1969
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book BQ9289.5.W55 2012 The one taste of truth : Zen and the art of drinking tea. Wilson, William Scott, 1944- IN
Book BR1.P11 2001 Pacifica : Journal of the Melbourne College of Divinity. IN
Book BR110.G35 1991 On Christianity. Gibbon, Edward. IN
Book BR115.C8A57 2006 The anthropology of Christianity. IN
Book BR115.C66R44 1995 Contract with the American family : a bold plan by Christian Coalition to strengthen the family and restore common-sense values. Reed, Ralph, 1961- IN
Book BR115.E3T3 1972 Religion and the rise of capitalism : a historical study. Tawney, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1880-1962. IN
Book BR115.P7W26 1995 The soul of politics : beyond religious right and secular left. Wallis, Jim. IN
Book BR120.L6 1997 The reasonableness of christianity : as delivered in the scriptures. Locke, John. OUT
Book BR121.2.M455 1988 The Christians : their practices and beliefs: an adaptation of Friedrich Heiler's Phenomenology of religion. McKenzie, P. R., (Peter Rutherford) IN
Book BR121.3 .I58 2012 Introducing world Christianity. IN
Book BR123.B33 2008 Essays on religion, science, and society. Bavinck, Herman, 1854-1921. IN
Book BR123.L46 2006 God made clear : faith and reality versus belief and superstition in 21st century America. Leeman, Rudy J. IN
Book BR123.L58 1960 The world's last night, and other essays. Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963. IN
Book BR125.5.L96 1991 Christianity. Brown, Stephen F. IN
Book BR125.5 .P46 1997 Christianity. Penney, Sue. IN
Book BR128.A8Z44 2006 Riverside talks : a friendly dialogue between and atheist and a Christian. Palau, Luis, 1934- IN
Book BR1285.M47 2005 Christianity in China. Mei, Kangjun IN
Book BR1295.H36M86 1994 The forgotten Christians of Hangzhou. Mungello, David E., 1943- IN
 2 BR145.2.L35 1975
Book BR1495.M625B83 2005 Island of angels : the growth of the church on Kosrae : kapkapak lun church fin acn Kosrae, 1852-2002. Buck, Elden M. IN
Book BR1495.N5R56 2003 Becoming sinners : Christianity and moral torment in a Papua New Guinea society. Robbins, Joel, 1961- IN
Book BR1601.2.F68 2004 Foxe's Book of martyrs. Foxe, John, 1516-1587. IN
Book BR1608.5.H43 2015 Hearts of fire. IN
Book BR162.2.R56 1999 The rise of Christianity. IN
Book BR166.S69 2002 The faith and the power : the inspiring story of the first Christians & how they survived the madness of Rome : a first century history. Snyder, James D. IN
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