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  Call Number Title Author Status
Book BV215.B69 2010 Beginner's grace : bringing prayer to life. Braestrup, Kate. IN
Book BV230.D37 1997 The kingdom, the power, the glory : embracing the mystery of the Lord's prayer. Denny, Randal Earl, 1937- OUT
Book BV230.S745 2004 The Lord's prayer : a text in tradition. Stevenson, Kenneth (Kenneth W.) IN
Book BV2372.A7A3 1967 God's smuggler,. Andrew, Brother. IN
Book BV2653.H34 1995 Primary purpose : making it hard for people to go to hell from your city. Haggard, Ted. IN
Book BV280.U47 Prayers offered by the Chaplain of the Senate of the United States at the opening of the daily sessions of the Senate of the United States during the Ninety-Eight Congress, 1983-1984. U.S. Congress. Senate. IN
Book BV3417.M86 1989 Curious land : Jesuit accommodation and the origins of Sinology. Mungello, David E., 1943- IN
Book BV3625.C6F8 Bokotola. Fuller, Millard, 1935- IN
Book BV3677.C7 Missionary adventures in the South Pacific. Crawford, David Livingstone, 1889- IN
 3 BV3680.P7R64 2007
Book BV3700.M55 1994 Mission legacies : a biographical studies of leaders of modern missionary movement. IN
Book BV4011.A33 1975 Shepherding God’s flock : the pastoral life. Adams, Jay Edward. IN
Book BV4012.2.G474 1984 The living human document : re-visioning pastoral counseling in a hermeneutical mode. Gerkin, Charles V., 1922- IN
Book BV4012.2.P35 1983 Pastoral counseling : a ministry of the church. Patton, John, 1930- IN
Book BV4012.H3 1987 Ministerial ethics and etiquette. Harmon, Nolan B. (Nolan Bailey), 1892- IN
Book BV4211.2.P738 1986 Preaching to convince. IN
Book BV4253.G66 1988 Sermons : biblical wisdom for daily living. Gomes, Peter J. IN
Book BV4438.P38 1988 Christian marriage & family : caring for our generations. Patton, John, 1930- OUT
Book BV4468.2.K6H47 2001 Cultural tug of war : the Korean immigrant family and church in transition = Chanyo wa pumo ui sedae ch`a chop`igi. Hertig, Young Lee, 1954- IN
Book BV4501.2.C24 1998 Living faith. Carter, Jimmy, 1924- IN
Book BV4501.2 .C72 1983 Loving God. Colson, Charles W. IN
Book BV4501.2.L94 1991 In the eye of the storm. Lucado, Max. IN
Book BV4501.2.N77 1999 Amazing grace : a vocabulary of faith. Norris, Kathleen, 1947- IN
Book BV4501.2.S2 True spirituality. Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August) IN
Book BV4501.2.S786 1992 The contemporary Christian : an urgent plea for double listening. Stott, John R. W. IN
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