View previous page View next page Call Number Search: GN269.G46 2009
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book FAO.HV640.A33 2005 Access to rural land and land administration after violent conflicts. IN
 2 FAO.HV696.F6A685 2003
Serial FAO.IN 8/15 Newsletter. IN
Book FAO.JS113.U52 2006 Understand, analyse and manage a decentralization process : the RED-IFO model and its use. IN
Book FAO.K3498.L38 2009 Law for water management : a guide to concepts and effective approaches. IN
Book FAO.K3511.C66 2008 Compulsory acquisition of land and compensation. IN
Book FAO.K3516.H625 2009 Creating legal space for water user organizations : transparency, governance and the law. Hodgson, Stephen. IN
Book FAO.K3525.M67 2010 Wildlife law and the empowerment of the poor. Morgera, Elisa. IN
Book FAO.K3620.V2 2010eb Legislative and regulatory options for animal welfare. Vapnek, Jessica. IN
 3 FAO.K3626.A54J65 2003
Book FAO.K3626.C63 2005 Codex alimentarius. Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. IN
 2 FAO.K3626.U534 2005
Book FAO.K3631.A5J633 2007 Codex alimentarius : Cereals, pulses, legumes and vegetable proteins. Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. Codex Alimentarius Commission. IN
 3 FAO.K3631.A48 2009
 4 FAO.K3636.A35F6
Book FAO.K3672.7.A77 2005 Putting into practice the ecosystem approach to fisheries. Attwood, Claire. IN
Book FAO.K3674.M67 2009 Forest fires and the law: a guide for national drafters based on the Fire management voluntary guidelines. Morgera, Elisa IN
Book FAO.K3886.E97 2008 EIFAC code of practice for recreational fisheries. European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. IN
Book FAO.K3895.M63 2007 Model scheme on port state measures to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing = Dispositif type relatif aux mesures du ressort de l'eŽtat du port dans le contexte de la lutte contre la pe^che illicite, non deŽclareŽe et non reŽglementeŽe = Modelo de sistema sobre las medidas del estado rector del puerto destinadas a combatir la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada. IN
Book FAO.K3926.5.M67 2012 Organic agriculture and the law. Morgera, Elisa. IN
Book FAO.K3995.M67 2009 Case studies on bioenergy policy and law : options for sustainability. Morgera, Elisa. IN
Book FAO.K4176.F57I47 2014 Implementation guidelines on part B of the Code, the Voluntary guidelines and the Safety recommendations. IN
Book FAO.K6272.7.A48 2014 The international code of conduct on pesticide management. IN
Book FAO.KQC772.K5 2010eb Statutory recognition of customary land rights in Africa : an investigation into best practices for lawmaking and implementation. Knight, Rachael S. IN
Book FAO.L230/6 2007 v.9 Good governance in land tenure and administration. IN
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