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  Call Number Title Author Status
 2 VerF 0358.06a Pac. c.3
Mixed VerF.0359 Pac. Checklist of the birds of Ponape, 1984. IN
Serial VerF 0360 Pac. Cats, rats, and toxoplasmosis on a small Pacific Island. IN
Mixed VerF 0361 Pac. Yapese stone fish traps. Hunter-Anderson, Rosalind L. IN
 2 VerF. 0361.2009 Pac.
 2 VerF 0361.77 Pac
Mixed VerF.0362 Pac. Pacific Islands' health and nutrition : trends and areas for action. Thaman, R.R. IN
 2 VerF.0363 Pac.
Mixed VerF. 0364 Pac. Wa, vinta, and tamaram. Doran, Jr., Edwin IN
Mixed VerF. 0365 Pac. Workers and servants : the internationalization of Palauan households. Nero, Karen L. IN
Mixed VerF.0366 Pac. Micronesian massage and massage oils : ancient practice and contemporary medical therapy. Lee, Roberta IN
Mixed VerF 0366.01 Pac. Tradition and legitimacy : the example of Western Polynesia. Loveland, Jerry K. IN
Mixed VerF.0367 Pac. Pacific media and climate change toolkit: factsheet. IN
Mixed VerF.0370 Pac. Economic analysis of indigenous agroforestry : a case study on Pohnpei Island, Federated States of Micronesia. Raynor, Bill IN
Mixed VerF.0371 Pac. Current issues affecting Pohnpei indigenous agroforestry. IN
Mixed VerF 0371.74 Pac Modernization and health in Micronesia : how getting into modern times affects the well-being of American wards in the western Pacific / written and photographed by. Reed, Dwayne. IN
Mixed VerF. 0372 Pac. Bites and stings. IN
Mixed VerF.0374 Pac. Petition concerning the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands presented to the United Nations Trusteeship Council : on behalf of the International League for human rights. Alexander, William J. IN
Mixed VerF.0374.01 Pac. Ethnomedicine : ancient wisdom for contemporary healing. Lee, Roberta IN
Mixed VerF 0374.04 Pac. Kosrae state breastfeeding promotion baby friendly hospitas initiatives workshop and visit of UNICEF Austalia and Kosrae. IN
Mixed VerF 0375.94 Pac Yamaguchis compete in dried fish market for local and export consumption. Cordova, Mary Ann. IN
Mixed VerF 0377.93 Pac Tuna fisheries in the Federated States of Micronesia : 1979 to 1990. Diplock, J. H. OUT
Mixed VerF 0378.78 Pac Amendments to the charter for the Yap District Government. IN
Book VerF. 0379 Pac. Merging memories. Terpstra, Michael G. IN
Mixed VerF 0379.94 Pac Bacground notes : Kiribati. IN
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