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  Call Number Title Author Status
Mixed VF 14 SAL 2001 There's no place like home. Sale, Kirkpatrick. IN
Mixed VF 15 PEA 2002 Hot enough for you?. Pearce, Fred. IN
Mixed VF 16 ECH 2000 An African church sets the example. Echlin, Edward. IN
Mixed VF 17 ROS 2000 Sacred Cosmology in the Christian tradition. Rossi, Vincent. IN
Mixed VF 18 ROT 2000 The cosmic vision of Hildegard of Bingen. Roth, Stephanie. IN
Mixed VF 19 BAR 2000 The Book of Enoch and cosmic sin. Barker, Margaret. IN
Mixed VF 20 NAS 2000 The Spiritual and religious dimensions of the environmental crisis. Nasr,Seyyed Hossein. IN
Mixed VF 21 CHA 2000 Man, nature and cosmos in Vedic India. Chaitanya, Krishna. IN
Mixed VF 22 MUR 2000 The cosmic covenant. Murray, Robert. IN
Mixed VF 23 GOL 2000 Archaic societies and cosmic order : a summary. Goldsmith, Edward. IN
Mixed VF 24 BRO 2002 Save the planet and prosper. Brown, Lester. IN
Mixed VF 26 NOR 2002 Globalisation and terror. Norberg-Hodge, Helena. IN
Mixed VF 27 HAM 2002 Profits of doom. Hammond, Edward. IN
Mixed VF 28 MET 2002 The pig issue. Metcalfe, Ed. IN
Mixed VF 30 BLA 2002 Eumania. Blacker, William. IN
Mixed VF 31 WIN 2002 Land rights land wrongs : a report on what may be the last chance for the Kalahari's first people. Winkler, Danny. IN
Mixed VF 32 ERE 2001 Back to the heart of lightness. Ereira, Alan. IN
Mixed VF 33 LAS 2001 Saving the wood. Laschefski, Klemens. IN
Mixed VF 34 KIN 2000 Shadow : in the kingdom of light. Kingsnorth, Paul. IN
Mixed VF 35 VIV 2002 Escaping from reality. Vivanco, Luis. IN
Mixed VF 36 ROB 2005 Cromwell and the conquest of Jamaica. Robertson, James. IN
Mixed VF 37 POL 2005 Battle of St. Albans, 1955. Pollard, Anthony. IN
Mixed VF 38 WRI 2005 Selling socialism : marketing the early labour party. Wring, Dominic. IN
Mixed VF 39 SMI 2001 Painted ladies. Smith, Charles Saumarez. IN
Mixed VF 40 FLE 2001 England's past for everyone. Flecher, Anthony. IN
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