View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HC687M5B741 1969
  Call Number Title Author Status
GRAPHIC Pac.GC367.S68 2010 2010 tidal predictions : Federated States of Micronesia. South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project. IN
Book Pac.GC399.R35 1978 Guam's reefs and beaches : Part II. Sedimentation studies at Fouha Bay and Ylig Bay. Randall, Richard H. (Richard Harrison) IN
 2 Pac.GC771 .L36 1997c.2
 3 Pac.GC771.M36 1955
Book Pac.GC861.S95 1968 Scientific exploration of the South Pacific; proceedings of a symposium held during the Ninth General Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. General Meeting, Scientific Committee on Oceania Research (9th : 1968 : La Jolla, California) IN
Book Pac.GC981.8.C5 I56 1990 Implications of expected climate changes in the South Pacific region : an overview. IN
Book Pac.GC1001.P32 1986 Pacific mineral resources : physical, economic, and legal issues ; proceedings of the Pacific Marine Mineral Resources Training Course held at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 4-28, 1985. Pacific Marine Mineral Resources Training Course (1985 : Honolulu, Hawaii) IN
 3 Pac GC 1015 P65 1971
Book Pac.GC1015.2.E43 1990 Directory of organizations co-operating with or contributing to action plans and global activities of the UNEP Oceans Programme = Rep'ertoire des organismes coope?rant et contribuant aux plans d'action et aux activite?s mondiales du Programme pour les Oce?ans du PNUE = Directorio de organizaciones que cooperan y contribuyen a los planes de accio'n y actividades mundiales del Programa del PNUMA sobre los Oceanos. Eldredge, L. IN
 2 Pac.GC1015.2.M37 1985
Book Pac.GC1015.2.S8 1997 Survey manual for tropical marine resources. IN
Book Pac.GC1015.2.S58 2009 Twenty years of fisheries management. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency. IN
Book Pac.GC1015.2.S87 1994 Survey manual for tropical marine resources. IN
Book Pac GC 1015.2 W38 1986 B. Wauthy : physical environment in the South Pacific Commission Area. Wauthy, B. IN
 4 Pac.GC1018.M5M4
 2 Pac.GC1018.N383 c.2
 2 Pac.GC1018.P33
Book Pac.GC1018.S74 2006 Measuring conservaion effectiveness in the marine environment : a review of evaluation techniques & recommendations for moving forward. Stern, Marc J. IN
 3 Pac.GC1018.V65 2000
 2 Pac.GC1018.W67 1996
Book Pac.GC1021.O3J65 Traditional marine conservation methods in Oceania and their demise. Johannes, R. E. (Robert Earle), 1936-2002. IN
Book Pac.GC1023.C63 1992 Coastal resources and systems of the Pacific Basin : investigation and steps toward protective management. IN
Book Pac.GC1023.H82 2002 A synopsis of information relating to marine protected areas : volume I. Huber, Michael IN
Book Pac.GC1023.72.E37 1978 Extended maritime jurisdiction : environment and resource management policies an East-West Center Project prospectus. East -West Center IN
 6 Pac.GC1023.885.R47b 1986
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