View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Gov.I29.155:P 11/2017
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Gov.I49.2:C76/21/2011 Conserving the future : wildlife refuges and the next generation. National Wildlife Refuge System (U.S.) IN
 5 Gov. I 49.2:D 85/10/998
Book Gov.I49.2:G27/4 The status of Ross's geese : report of the Arctic Goose Join Venture, Ross's Goose Subcommittee. IN
Book Gov.I49.2:M29/3 Malheur's legacy : celebrating a century of conservation 1908-2008, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Southeast Oregon. Burnside, Carla D. IN
 2 Gov.I49.2:M58/7/2001
Book Gov.I 49.2:M 73/2 Molt and aging criteria for four North American grassland Passerines. Pyle, Peter, 1957- IN
Book Gov.I49.2:P41/3 National Fish Strain Registry-Perch and Pike (NFSR-PP) : species tables of reported populations and broodstocks. IN
Book Gov.I49.2:P69/12 Native plants for wildlife habitat. Mason, Rich. IN
Book Gov.I 49.2:SE 1/9 Alaska seabird information series (ASIS). IN
 2 Gov.I49.2:SE3
Book Gov.I49.2:T73 Trinity River flow evaluation : final report : a report to the Secretary, U.S. Dept. of the Interior. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office. IN
 2 Gov.I49.2:T75/5/2001
Book Gov.I49.2:W67/2017 Willamette Valley conservation study : strategic habitat conservation in Oregon's Willamette Valley. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, IN
Serial Gov. I 49.40/2: Fisheries review. IN
 2 Gov.I49.44/2:AN8
Serial Gov.I49.44/2:C86/3 Crescent Lake National Wild Refuge : summary of the comprehensive conservation plan. IN
 2 Gov.I49.44/2:L72/2
Serial Gov.I49.44/2:T84/3/2001/UPDATE Turnbull National Wildlife Reguge : planning update. IN
Book Gov.I49.6/2:SA 3/2 Salmon in the classroom : a comprehensive educators guide for the Columbia River Gorge National Fish Hatchery complex. IN
 13 Gov.I 49.77:
Book Gov.I49.77/F:SI1/DRAFT Draft recovery plan for sidalcea oregana var. calva (Wenatchee Mountains checker-mallow). OUT
Book Gov. IA 1.2:W 84 A World view of women : social, policitical, and econoic attitudes : a special report. OUT
Computer Gov.IA1.32:998/CD Infobase MOA, manual of opeations and adminstration. OUT
Serial Gov.INPROCESS Signs of diabetes = Kilel en soumwahu en suke kan. Pohnpei Lipaiere OUT
 12 Gov.ITC1.10
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