View previous page View next page Call Number Search: Pac.HD9429.F42N49 1996
  Call Number Title Author Status
Book Pac.HD8039.P496P166 1993 Plantation workers : resistance and accommodation. IN
 2 Pac.HD8039.S4T7
Book Pac.HD8039.S86U64 1983 Pau Hana : plantation life and labor in Hawaii, 1835-1920. Takaki, Ronald T., 1939- IN
Book Pac.HD8083 .H3 H36 1984 Hanahana : an oral history anthology of Hawaii's working people. IN
Book Pac.HD8101.17.A2I47 The impact of the foreign workers on Truk state's plan for economic development / Jimmy Sablan .--[et al.].--. IN
Book Pac.HD8653.5.A66 1997 Labor management cooperation collective bargaining as a means to promote cooperation. APO Top Forum on Labor-Management Cooperation: Collective Bargaining as a Means to Promote Cooperation (7th : 1997 : Tokyo, Japan) IN
 2 Pac.HD8653.5.J69 2007
 2 Pac.HD8726.5.I39 1985
Book Pac.HD8931.A5R44 1979 Report. Regional Seminar on the Lot of the Tradesmen in the South Pacific (1979 : Rarotonga, Cook Islands) IN
 2 Pac.HD8931.R45
 3 Pac.HD8931.S8 1962
Book Pac.HD8931.S66 1962 Report and recommendations. Sub-regional Conference on Social and Labour Problems (1962 : Papeete, Tahiti) IN
 4 Pac.HD8931.T7 1974
 6 Pac.HD8931.1.A83 1998
Book Pac.HD8931.3.A83 1998 Index to newspaper articles on immigration and labor problems. Asang, Isebong. IN
Book Pac.HD8931.3.M625M53 2013 Audit of National Division of Labor and immigration fiscal years 2010 and 2012, report no.2012-04/. Micronesia (Federated States). Office of the National Public Auditor. IN
Book Pac.HD8933.S8 1962 c.2 Technical papers. Sub-regional Conference on Social and Labour Problems (1962 : Papeete, Tahiti) IN
Book Pac.HD9000.9.P26M38 2005 Papua New Guinea horticulture industry sector study. McGregor, Andrew. IN
Book Pac.HD9007.H3T45 1996 This Hawaii product went to market. IN
Book Pac.HD9016.A2I46 1979 Population growth and food problems in selected Asian countries. Ilio, Koichi IN
Book Pac.HD9016.A783I67 1983 Proceedings of the International Seminar on Producer Oriented Marketing : Strategies and Programs held in Seoul, Korea, April 1983. International Seminar on Producer Oriented Marketing: Strategies and Programs (1983 : Seoul, Korea) IN
Book Pac.HD9016.J42J6 Japanese food management in World War II : by B.F. Johnston with Mosaburo Hosado and Yoshio Kusumi. Johnston, Bruce F., 1919- IN
Book Pac. HD9016 .O3 F66 Food production in the South Pacific : lectures. Fisk, E. K. (Ernest Kelvin) IN
Book Pac.HD9016.S575E98 2006 Extreme living, extreme need : a report of the 2006 Kastom Gaden Association assessment of the food security and livelihood potential of the weather coast of Makira, Solom Islands. IN
Book Pac.HD9018.C66S83 1980 Statistics of commercial agricultural production and prices. IN
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